
  • 【电工】wild phase
  1. 分别计算非相干泵浦、弱相干泵浦和强相于泵浦几种情形下的Fano因数。

    The Fano factor of the output radiation field has been calculated under the condition of incoherent pumping , weak coherent pumping and strong coherent pumping respectively .

  2. 与强相分离区域的柱状体系相比,弱相分离体系可以形成更加复杂的结构。

    The self-assembled structures in weak segregation are more complex than those in strong segregation limit .

  3. 此法是对时间相移法的改进,只需一幅三色条纹图,就可利用简单的三光强相移算法完成物体表面的形貌重建;

    Only one fringe pattern is used to reconstruct the profiles of object surface by the advanced technique combined with a simple three-step phase-shifting algorithm without any phase-shifting devices .

  4. 本文得到的主要结论是:1.产生强主相SC磁暴的耀斑较强,主要集中在日面中心经圈附近;

    The main conclusions are as follows ; 1 . The flares producing the storms with strong main phase are stronger . They concentrate mainly near the central meridian of the solar disk ;

  5. 作为应用,得到一类新的强向量相辅问题的解。

    As its application , an existence of solution for a new strong vector complementarity problem is established .

  6. 保险公司应及时开发与交强险相衔接的商业机动车辆保险产品。

    An insurance company shall develop the commercial motor vehicle insurance products relating to the compulsory traffic insurance in a timely manner .

  7. 血样和尿样中毒鼠强气相色谱测定方法的研究及其初步应用

    Studies on the Gas Chromatographic ( GC ) Method for the Determination of Tetramine in Human Blood and Urine and Its Preliminary Applications

  8. 由于亲水网络和疏水网络之间有很强的相分离倾向,目前关于亲水/疏水性互穿聚合物网络的研究报道还很少。

    So far , few hydrophilic - hydrophobic IPNs have been reported due to the intense repulsive interaction between the hydrophilic network and the hydrophobic network .

  9. 试验表明:采用超载与强降相结合的破坏试验方法得到的安全度为3.12~3.51。

    The factor of safety of abutment is obtained by combination of overload method and strength-decreasing method , which is 3.12 ~ 3.51 . In normal operation condition , the abutment can keep stable .

  10. 研究了行波和驻波构成的组合光场对压缩真空场中原子冷却的增强作用,发现作用于原子的辐射力具有很强的相敏性;

    The enhancement effect of a coherent field , which is combined by a standing-wave field and an additional travelling-wave field , on cooling for a two-level atom in a squeezed vacuum field is investigated .

  11. 快速运动的阵风锋常与猛烈发展的强风暴相伴随,它的出现,风暴将持续猛烈地发展。

    A * The first type is the fast moving gust fronts , which is often accompanied by violently developing storms , the onset of it gives an indication for the continuous development of severe storms .

  12. 用传统的破碎磁选与高精度的强磁选相结合,以独创的递进除铁技术使钢渣中的含铁量由18%降至1%;

    By original technique of progressively iron removal , which is the combination of traditional crushing and magnetic method with high precision and high magnetic separation , the iron content in steel slag is reduced from as high as 18 % to 1 % ;

  13. 强耦合QED相的非拓扑孤子模型和正、负电子对凝聚

    Electron-Positron Condensate and Non - Topological Soliton Model in the Strong - Coupling Phase of QED

  14. 针状铁素体/马氏体高强度低屈强比双相钢的EBSD研究

    The EBSD Study on an Acicular Ferrite / Martensite Dual-Phase Steel with High Strength / Low Yield Ratio

  15. 该技术将FBG抗电磁干扰、分布式传感等独特优势与超声波的方向性好、穿透能力强等特点相结合,在结构损伤检测领域呈现出良好的发展潜力。

    By combining the unique advantages of FBG in electromagnetic interference immunity , distributed sensing with the ultrasonic features such as good directivity , high penetrating power , it has great development potentiality in structural damage detection field .

  16. 鼠药毒饵中毒鼠强的气相色谱测定方法

    A gas-chromatographic method for the determination of tetramine in rodenticide baits

  17. 将遗传算法的全局寻优性能好和模拟退火的局部搜索能力强的优点相结合,提出了用于钢框架优化设计的遗传模拟退火算法,并对其进行了改进。

    It is applied genetic simulated annealing algorithm ( SAGA ) to solving the steel frame structural optimization .

  18. “桑迪”将与来自西北部的冷锋系统及来自格陵兰岛的强气压系统相融合。

    Sandy , will meet up with cold fronts coming out of the northwest and a high pressure system from Greenland .

  19. 本试验膜生物反应器内的活性污泥具有浓度大、活性高、硝化能力强、生物相丰富等特点。

    Sludge in the MBR used in the experiments have such characteristics as high concentration high activity , powerful nitrifying ability , rich microbiological species .

  20. 采用湿法和干法两种处理工艺对硅橡胶补强填料气相白炭黑表面进行疏水性处理。

    Two kinds of process , " wet process " and " dry process ", were used for modifying the surface hydrophobicity of fumed silica which is the reinforcing filler in silicone rubber .

  21. 液相色谱-质谱联用技术体现了色谱和质谱优势的互补,将色谱的高分离性能和质谱鉴别力强的特点相结合,组成了较完善的现代分析技术。

    Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry ( LC-MS ) method as a relatively prefect modern analytical technique embodies the superiority of LC and MS , which has the high separation property of chromatography and the high identification property of MS.

  22. 人血浆中伪麻黄碱和右美沙芬的同时测定本文建立了快速、灵敏,选择性强的液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定人血浆中伪麻黄碱和右美沙芬。

    Simultaneous determination of pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methodA rapid , sensitive and highly selective liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method was developed and validated for simultaneous determination of pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan .

  23. PWM控制双向DC-DC功率变换器具有对输入和输出电压大范围变化适应性强的优势;相移控制具有无须辅助开关即可实现双向DC-DC功率变换器零电压开关能力的优势。

    PWM plus phase-shift bidirectional DC-DC converter features reduced current stress , conduction losses , switching losses of semiconductors and wide ZVS range .

  24. 本文在对几种最新小型化带阻滤波器进行了研究分析的基础上,采用电容加载传输线技术和强加载SIR技术相结合的办法,设计出了一种新型的SIR带阻滤波器。

    On the basis of researching and analyzing several latest miniaturized band-stop filters , a new type band-stop filter which use the SIR technology and the capacitive loaded transmission line is designed .

  25. 电色谱柱填充强阴离子交换固定相(SAX),添加在流动相中的磺化β环糊精(SCD)动态地吸附于SAX填料表面,形成一层准手性固定相。

    The capillary column was packed with strong anionic exchange stationary phase , the sulfated β - cyclodextrin ( S-CD ), which was added in the mobile phase , dynamically adsorbed to the packing surface and a new layer of chiral stationary phase was formed .

  26. 强助弱,相得益。

    When the great help the small , both be save .

  27. 强旋湍流气相燃烧数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Strongly Swirling Turbulent Flow with Gas Combustion

  28. 强变形诱导析出相回归后的再时效行为

    Re - ageing behavior of retrogressive precipitated phase caused by severe plastic deformation

  29. 研究发现,各向异性越强群速度与相速度的偏差越大;

    This research illustrates that the stronger is anisotropy the larger is the deviation between group-velocity and phase-velocity .

  30. 一次春季强寒潮的降水相态变化分析华北汛期降水的多尺度变化及其大尺度降水条件的演变研究

    Multiple-time-scale Variability Analyses of Rainfall during Rainy Season over North China and Study on It 's Evolution of Large-scale Precipitation Conditions