
  1. 近日,因涉嫌故意杀人罪,巴东县邓某被检察机关批捕。

    Recently , on suspicion of intentional homicide , Badong County Dengmou by prosecutors arrest approval .

  2. 然而在外务工多年后,邓某因嫖娼埋下了一场悲剧的祸根。

    However , after many years of outstanding workers , Dengmou for prostitution buried seeds of a tragedy .

  3. 由于无处倾诉,邓某疑心越来越重,越想越没有出路,遂产生了杀死妻子和小女儿,然后自尽之念。

    Because no place to talk , Dengmou suspicious heavier , more and more convinced there is no way out , and thus the killing of his wife and small daughter , then himself thinking .