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miǎn ɡuān
  • be removed from an official position
免官 [miǎn guān]
  • [be removed from a position] 免去官职

  1. 免官是职官管理的重要组成部分,免官行之有效的实施对行政体系的运作具有十分重要的作用。

    Degradation is an important part of the Official management . Effective implementation of degradation has a very important role in the operation of the entire administrative system .

  2. 对于汉代免官的研究,以往学者主要集中在罪免,而病免却少有人问津。

    When talking about degradation in Han dynasty , scholars always focused on Dismission due to crime , but just a few of people were interested in Dismission due to disease .

  3. 两晋南北朝时期,白衣领职是一种与免官完全不同的处分方式。

    In the two Jins and the Northern and Southern Dynasties ," the post held by Bai Yi " was a punishment way , it was completely different from " removal officers " .