
  1. 现在对免烧砖机进行一下简单的介绍。

    Now make a simple to baking-free brick machine are introduced .

  2. 资源的回收利用是环境保护的主题,所以免烧砖机也是起着相当大的作用的。

    Resource recycling is the environmental protection theme , so baking-free brick machine is also plays a very important part of .

  3. 免烧砖机在建筑行业里也是相当的重要的,我国每年在施工建设所产生和排出的建筑废弃物料渣就有4000万t。

    Baking-free brick machine in the construction industry is so important , China produced each year in construction of building materials and the discharge waste slag has40 million t.

  4. 欢迎各位新老朋友来我厂参观指导,我们的主要产品为煤气发生炉、免烧砖机、搅拌设备、磨粉设备。

    Welcome new and old friends come to my factory visit instruction , our main products for the coal gas producer furnace , baking-free brick machine , mixing equipment , grinding equipment .

  5. 300T免烧型制砖机的设计及PLC控制的应用研究

    Application Research of Design and PLC Control on 300T Non-burned Brick Machine