
  • HF
  1. 她打开免提电话让我说话,这样他那边便听到我讲的话了。

    She put me on speakerphone and he heard me talking .

  2. 蓝牙芯片WRAPTHOR2022-1在蓝牙语音车载免提电话系统中的应用

    The application of Bluetooth module WRAP THOR 2022-1 in the Bluetooth Hands-Free Car Kit

  3. 通过同步Echo手带(亚马逊免提扬声器),就可将任何的运动追踪器变为一位健身教练。

    Turn any FitBit into a health coach by syncing the band with Echo , Amazon 's hands-free speaker .

  4. 引言在通信系统中,例如IP电话、可视电话及免提数字蜂窝电话系统中,回声和噪声会严重影响通信质量。

    IntroductionIn the communication systems , echo and noise will seriously affect speech communication quality , such as IP telephone , videophone and hand-free digital cell phone systems etc.

  5. 然后基于软件分层设计方法,采用C语言编码,设计实现了音响侧免提、功能设置、手机音乐播放等功能。

    Then based on software layer design method and using C language code , we design to realize the function such as hands-free , function setting , mobile phone music playing and so on .

  6. 部分汽车配备了用于iPhone的对接口,而且还有仪表屏,所以你可以以免提方式浏览音乐选择。

    Some cars come equipped with docking ports for iPhones and have dashboard screens so you can navigate your musical options hands-free .

  7. 它在IP电话、可视电话及免提的数字蜂窝电话等扬声器/传声器通信系统中也具有广阔的应用前景。

    It has also widely promising applications for speaker / microphone communication systems , such as IP phone , videophone and hand-free digital cellular telephony system , and so on .

  8. 福特Sync界面集成了免提电话、娱乐和语音识别功能。

    Many Ford customers were dissatisfied with its vaunted sync interface that integrates hand-free telephony , entertainment and voice-recognition .

  9. 带状电缆连接着LCD的后方,连着免提耳机、前置摄像头、光线传感器和LED。

    The ribbon cable attached to the rear of the LCD holds the earpiece speaker , the front-facing camera , the ambient light sensor , and the notification LED .

  10. 黑莓那款免提还包括一架调频(fm)发射机,让用户能够用车载音响听智能手机中的音乐。

    The BlackBerry device also includes an FM transmitter that enables users to listen to music on a smartphone through the car stereo .

  11. 介绍了芬兰BLUEGIGA公司推出的蓝牙芯片WRAPTHOR2022-1的结构、工作原理及其在无线语音车载免提电话系统中的应用。

    This paper introduces one kind of Bluetooth module WRAP THOR 2022-1 , including its block diagram , working element and presents the realization of the wireless Hands-Free Car system .

  12. 部分汽车配备了用于iPhone的对接口,而且还有仪表屏,所以你可以以免提方式浏览音乐选择。或者,你也可以用汽车里的点烟器来给手机提供电力。

    Some cars come equipped with docking ports for iPhones and have dashboard screens so you can navigate your musical options hands-free . Or you can just use the cigarette lighter for power .

  13. 费德里吉接下来使用了另一项新功能——将Mac作为免提电话——来欢迎苹果新员工、BeatsElectronics联合创始人、说唱歌手德瑞博士。

    Federighi used another new feature - the ability to answer phone calls on your Mac , using the computer as a speakerphone - to welcome one of Apple 's newest employees , rapper and Beats Electronics cofounder Dr. Dre .

  14. 免提式话音通信在移动电话、热线电话、ISDN网及车载电话的电视电话会议等多种领域正得到日益广泛的应用,人们对声音通讯系统中的话音质量提出了越来越高的要求。

    Hands-free speech communication is indispensable in audio and video conference systems , hot-line telephones and videophones , digital ISDN network , mobile radio terminals etc , people demand higher and higher speech quality in communication .

  15. 不过由于CUE的功能如此丰富(从集成的Pandora网络收音机到老式的OnStar免提语言通讯系统应有尽有),即便是最熟悉科技的用户可能也需要接受一些培训。

    Still , even the most technologically savvy users will likely need some training with so many features & from the integrated Pandora web radio to that old stand-by , OnStar .

  16. 采用TDA2822M的系统实现了手机的免提,通话语音清晰,具有广阔的应用前景。

    The system based on TDA2822M can get a clear voice and it has capacious foreground .

  17. ZB-12免提黑光是理想的执行多种任务,或在偏远地区视察检查。

    The ZB-12 hands-free black light is ideal for performing multi-tasked inspections or inspections in remote locations .

  18. 不过,班力导避免提及任何有关AIG交易的内容,他更愿意泛泛谈论保诚在亚洲地区的发展计划。亚洲现在占到该集团新业务利润增长的一半以上。

    However , Mr Stowe avoids any mention of the AIG sale , preferring to speak generally about Prudential 's plans to grow in a region which now accounts for more than half of the group 's new business profit growth .

  19. 介绍了车载手机免提通过有线方式的实现,分别给出了采用LM386和TDA2822M有线收发系统的硬件电路和调试方法,提出了抗干扰措施。

    The hardware circuits and the debug methods based on LM386 and TDA2822M are given , and the anti-jamming methods are also given .

  20. 具有语音提示功能的车载蓝牙免提系统的硬件设计

    Hardware Design of Vehicle Bluetooth Hands-free System with Voice Prompt Function

  21. 免提电话并不比手持电话的安全度高出多少。

    Hands-free phones are not much safer than hand-held phone sets .

  22. 基于CAN总线的车载蓝牙免提系统的研究

    A Study on Vehicle Bluetooth Hands Free System Based on CAN Bus

  23. 电话接通后,求助双方可以实现免提通话。

    After telephone connected , the both parties can converse .

  24. 新一代模块的免提通话质量已显著提高。

    The hands-free quality has been improved significantly in the new generation .

  25. 我的电话只有免提的时候好使。

    My phones only work when they 're on speaker .

  26. 蓝牙技术在车载免提电话中的应用及实现

    Implementation of Vehicle Hand-free Phone Based on Bluetooth Technology

  27. 基于蓝牙技术的车载免提系统研究

    Study on Bluetooth technology based hands-free system for car

  28. 具有语音识别功能的车载免提系统设计

    Reference Design of Car Kit with Speech Recognition Function

  29. 艾米丽:罗斯,请把免提关掉。

    Emily : Ross , take me off speakerphone .

  30. 从用户的安全性考虑,完善的车载免提系统应支持语音交互接口。

    A perfect car kit should support the voice interface from the security aspect .