
  • 网络memory codes
  1. 如果说它听上去有些含糊,那是因为其实它是一个有助于记忆的代码。

    If this sentence sounds a little vague , that 's because it 's actually a mnemonic code .

  2. 采用绝热取样输入电路实现信息记忆单元接收代码和保存信息时将信息单元与外输入隔离。

    The diabatic input sampling circuit is put on every flip flop to use both receving data input and isolating it from external input during holding data .

  3. 因为PHP可以为您管理记忆,所以PHP代码不会导致堆栈和缓冲溢出。

    Because PHP manages memory for you , there 's no PHP code that can result in stack and buffer overflow exploits .

  4. InfoQ:看起来这个补丁将会是迈向新一代垃圾收集器的第一步,尤其是关于处理写屏障和可记忆化集合的代码介绍。

    InfoQ : It seems like the longlife GC patch is the first step towards a generational GC , particularly the introduction of code for handling write barriers and remembered sets .

  5. 汇编语言:一种低阶程式语言,它容许程式设计员采用符号或助记忆符号代替功能代码。

    Assembly language : A low level programming language that permits the programmer to use mnemonics or symbolic codes for function codes .

  6. 本文采用神经网络方法,运用联想存储器的联想记忆功能,编制代码进行保密信息的传输。

    In this article , through adopting nervous net method and association memory s ability of associating and remembering , the codes are made to transmit the secret information .