
jì fēn fǎ
  • scoring method
  1. 危险因素记分法筛检无症状糖尿病及其评价

    The use of risk factors scoring method in screening for undiagnosed diabetes in general population

  2. 但是,危险因素记分法在实际工作中具有较大的应用价值,可作为糖尿病人群筛查的第一线方法。

    The risk factors scoring method could serve as an effective and useful tool for mass screening of diabetes mellitus .

  3. 在风险评估方面,采用蒙特卡罗模拟与Matlab程序相结合的方法进行了定量评估,另外应用记分法对管理风险进行了定性评估。

    In risk assessment , the thesis use Monte-Carlo and Matlab on quantitative assessment . , and use mark record on qualitative assessment .

  4. QRS记分法观察黄芪对急性心肌梗塞面积的影响

    Influence of Astragalus Root on the Area of Acute Myocardial infarction by QRS Score

  5. 对30例接受激素冲击治疗的MG患者,根据临床相对记分法评价GC治疗1月及6月的反应。

    In 30 MG patients with GC pulse treatment , the efficacy of GC after one-month and 6 month treatment was assessed according to relative clinical score .

  6. 方法:采用QRS记分法预测梗死面积、彩色超声多普勒测定射血分数(LVEF)及血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)含量检测。

    Methods : To forecast the Infarct area by QRS score , LVEF by colour doppler echocardiography and detect SOD and MDA .

  7. 基于SCOR模型和平衡记分法的供应链绩效评价体系研究

    Performance evaluation system of Supply Chain Based on SCOR model and balanced scorecard

  8. 目的通过QRS记分法观察心脉通胶囊对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者梗死面积的影响。

    Objective It is to observe the effect of Xinmaitong capsule on infarct area of acute myocardial infarct ( AMI ) patients with QRS score method .

  9. 提示简便的QRS记分法可以较好地反映急性心肌梗塞患者的左室功能。

    These results suggest that the QRS scoring system is useful for estimating the state of left ventricular function in patients after acute myocardial infarction .

  10. 目的用CEAP分类记分法(clinical,etiologic,anatomic,andpathophysiologic,CEAP)评价股浅静脉瓣膜环形缩窄术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全(PDVI)的疗效和应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of encircling constriction of superficial femoral vein in the treatment of primary deep venous insufficiency ( PDVI ) with CEAP classification and clinical scoring .

  11. 方法:按PASI记分法,三位皮肤科医生分别对银屑病患者进行评估,将所得资料计算各指标的Kappa值。

    Method : The scores of PASI and its components in patients with psoriasis vulgaris were obtained by three dermatologists independently , and then , Kappa value of each component was calculated .

  12. 方法:对22例疑似心肌炎和40例心肌炎患儿进行99mTc-MIBI心肌断层显像,采用节段记分法对结果进行分析。

    Methods : ( 99m ) ~ Tc-MIBI myocardial tomography was performed in 22 patients with suspect myocarditis and 40 with myocarditis . Each segment of myocardial images was scored with a four point scoring system .

  13. 然后在Kaplan和Norton的平衡记分法的基础上,以供应链发展现状为依据,经过扩展而建立了一种新的绿色供应链绩效评价指标体系建立方法&平衡绿色供应链记分法(BSC-GSC)。

    Secondly , basing on the balanced score card of Kaplan and Norton and the current situation of the development of the chain , it has stetted up a kind of the new performance evaluation index system of the green supply chain .

  14. 多选测验响应决定式记分法与最优回答策略

    Response-determined Scoring System and the Optimal answer Strategy in Multiple-choice Test

  15. 上市公司财务困境A记分法预测模型研究

    Research on the A-Scoring Analytical Model for Listed Companies ′ Financial Distress

  16. 单光子骨密度仪测量桡、尺骨骨密度;标准差记分法评价身高、体重、身高增长速度情况。

    Height , weight , growth velocity were evaluated by standard deviation score .

  17. 本文介绍两种相对记分法。

    In this paper , the two methods of grading of marks are introduced .

  18. 结果:(1)获得新的记分法骨龄标准;

    Results : ( 1 ) A new standard for bone age judgement was established ;

  19. 用工程能力指数记分法考核清花成卷重量差异

    An Assessment on the Scutcher Lap Weight Irregularity by Score Method of the Engineering Capacity Index

  20. 采用能量谐波方法显像,16节段半定量记分法目测评分。

    By taking power Doppler harmonic imaging , 16 segments for semi quantitative scoring were chosed .

  21. 如果我们知道男女不同的记分法,这个谜就解开了。

    This mystery can be understood when we realize how men and women keep score differently .

  22. 格拉斯哥昏迷记分法在400例急性颅脑损伤中的应用

    Preliminary Experience in the Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS ) Applying on 400 Cases of Acute Head Injuries

  23. 在确定考核指标时,可以考虑采用平衡记分法等科学的方法。

    When we determine the examination index , scientific methods , such as balanced scorecard should be used .

  24. 用工序能力记分法加强生丝纤度均匀度的管理

    Improving the Management of Fibre Number Evenness Degree of Raw Silk by Keeping the Score of Engineering Ability

  25. 采用5点记分法进行观察者评分,评价12个解剖结构的图像质量和可见度。

    Observer preference was evaluated for the image quality and the visibility of 12 anatomic structures using a five-point scale .

  26. 在合作学习中,相对进步记分法、小组积分制度和排行榜制度等都是有效的评价方式。

    In cooperative learning , relative progress scoring , group points system and rating system are all effective evaluation forms .

  27. 平衡记分法作为落实企业战略目标,执行绩效管理的工具,已经开始得到众多中国企业的广泛关注。

    As a tool of carrying out strategic goals and implementing performance management , balanced scorecard is noticed universally in Chinese enterprises .

  28. 女人的记分法与男人不同,她尽情给与,以为男人也会和她一样。

    Women don 't start out keeping score like men do ; women give freely and assume men will do the same .

  29. 本文设计了工程能力记分法更简易明了,便于实施。

    The method designed for keeping the score of engineering ability is easy and clear , and is convenient to carry out .

  30. 通过权重总和记分法和一系列实验确定加热工艺,建立了废弃电路板元器件拆除加热工艺模型。

    By authority summation billiard-marker and a series of experiment , the heating craft is confirmed and the heating disassembly model is constructed .