
  • 网络memory foam
  1. 鞋底的记忆海绵能完美契合每个人的脚形。

    The sole , made of memory foam , is designed to perfectly fit the unique shape of each wearer 's foot .

  2. 可回收材料的完美结合,高密度记忆海绵及其他辅助泡沫材料,所有,创建了一个惊人的身体不合格的经验,你睡在摇篮无压力。

    The perfect combination of high density memory foam and other supportive foams , all recyclable materials , creates an amazing body-conforming experience that cradles you in pressure free sleep .

  3. 其次,JVC的耳机为附加的记忆海绵耳垫的技术有助于隔离背景噪音。

    Second , JVC 's technique for attaching the headphone 's smooth memory foam cushioned ear pads to the housing helps isolate background noise .

  4. “月球漫步者”跑鞋的外观与普通跑鞋并无不同,它的独特之处在于藏在记忆海绵下的两层特殊材料,嵌入了世界最强力的磁铁。

    So far the shoes seem like regular sneakers , but what sets the MoonWalkers apart are the two special layers hidden beneath the memory foam , which are embedded with the world 's most powerful magnets .