
  • 网络huntsman;Jon Huntsman;Hunstman;B.Huntsman
  1. 亨茨曼(Huntsman,中文名洪博培)州长,他很快——或许今晚就会被确认——亨茨曼大使不仅期待着为执行我国的政策而工作,而且期待着作为美国人民的代表与中国人民交往。

    Governor Huntsman , who will soon be - maybe even confirmed tonight - Ambassador Huntsman , is looking forward to working not only on behalf of our nation 's policies but really representing the American people to the Chinese people .

  2. 不过,亨茨曼在很多方面也有无可指责的保守记录。

    Yet in most respects Mr Huntsman has an unimpeachably conservative record .

  3. 不过,对亨茨曼来说这些怀疑并没有使他为难。

    Mr Huntsman , however , does not seem racked by doubts .

  4. 亨茨曼曾执政过一个州,他自信满满而且深谙外交之道。

    He has governed a state , he knows about foreign policy and he oozes confidence ;

  5. 事实上,罗姆尼和亨茨曼是表兄弟(远亲)。两人有很多共同点,他们都是亿万富翁的儿子,然后由商从政。

    In fact , Mr Romney and Mr Huntsman are ( distant ) cousins , and have much in common .

  6. 亨茨曼是否能在初选中成功的吸引那些精力充沛的共和党人在一定程度上取决于竞选活动的好坏。

    Whether Mr Huntsman can appeal to red-blooded Republicans in the primaries will depend in part on the quality of his campaign .

  7. 检察官在刑事诉状中指控名为韦恩•艾伦•亨茨曼的男子在9月13日蓄意、恶意点燃林地大火。

    In a criminal complaint , prosecutor charged a man with identity of Wayne Allen Huntsman with willfully and mercilessly setting fires to forestland on September 13 .

  8. 亨茨曼曾执政过一个州,他自信满满而且深谙外交之道。如果他不参选的话真是让人非常遗憾啊。

    He has governed a state , he knows about foreign policy and he oozes confidence ; it would be a pity if Mr Huntsman did not run .

  9. 亨茨曼对这次竞选活动表现的很轻松。例如,他在老兵俱乐部即兴来了场撞球比赛(他输了),还和当地人一起打趣他们的口音。

    Mr Huntsman seems quite relaxed on the hustings , taking up an impromptu pool game at a veterans ' club , for example ( he lost ), and teasing the locals about their accents .

  10. 此外,亨茨曼和罗姆尼一样都是摩门教教徒,这一教派广受福音派基督教的猜疑,而在共和党的主要选区中福音派基督教选民占了很大一部分。

    Moreover , Mr Huntsman , like Mr Romney , is a Mormon , a faith viewed with some suspicion by the evangelical Christians who make up a sizeable share of the Republican primary electorate .

  11. 尽管他坚持说他还在考虑中而且需要和家人商量。亨茨曼夫人说她不认为会有那些类似导致丹尼斯退出的反对意见出现。

    Although he insists he is still " kicking the tyres " and needs to discuss it with his family , Mrs Huntsman says she does not foresee objections of the sort that caused Mr Daniels to pass .

  12. 对于亨茨曼的宣传起因于他出色的个人履历,他任犹他州州长一个任期多,担任过一段时间的驻华大使(能说一口流利的普通话),在华盛顿担任过不同的要职,并在家住企业中工作过一段时间。

    The hype about Mr Huntsman also stems from his impressive r é sum é , including a term-and-a-bit as governor of Utah , a stint as ambassador to China ( he speaks fluent Mandarin ) , various high-powered jobs in Washington and several spells in the family business .

  13. 在他贯穿该州的行程中,除了老生常谈怎么做个好爸爸,慰问现役老兵还有和当地人友好的交换意见外,亨茨曼主要地谈了他想要通过一场新的“产业改革”重振经济的愿望。

    On his swing through the state , after the usual tropes about being a father first and foremost , saluting the service of veterans and relishing the give-and-take with the locals , Mr Huntsman spoke chiefly about his desire to revive the economy through a new " industrial revolution . "