
  • 网络HUNTSMAN;Huntsman Corporation;Hunstman;HUNSMAN
  1. 中国是我们显然要看一看的地方,亨斯迈纺织染化部门全球总裁胡铭(PaulHulme)表示。该部门为服装制造商生产先进染料和化学品。

    The obvious place to look is China , said Paul Hulme , global president of Huntsman 's textile effects division , which makes advanced dyes and chemicals for clothes manufacturers .

  2. 亨斯迈是全球最大的纺织染料和化学品生产商。

    Huntsman is the number one producer of textile dyes and chemicals .

  3. 在伦敦萨维尔街,曾是爱德华八世的裁缝的亨斯迈公司(Huntsman)的创意总监RoubiL'Roubi发现,亚洲客户专门到这家伦敦商店订购花呢西装。

    Roubi L'Roubi , creative director of Huntsman of Savile Row - once the tailor to King Edward VIII - has found that customers from Asia are visiting the London shop specifically to order tweed suits .

  4. 美国化学品制造商与销售商协会亨斯迈是精细化学品及通用化学品的全球制造商及营销商。

    Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated and commodity chemicals .

  5. 我们工业界应该站出来为更高的标准而努力,而不是退守最低的共同标准,亨斯迈说。

    Our industry ought to be out fighting for ... a higher standard instead of falling to the lowest common denominator , Mr Huntsman said .

  6. 胡铭表示,这两家欧洲跨国集团也许在短期内不愿按亨斯迈愿意支付的价格,出售自己的工厂。

    Mr Hulme said the two European multinationals might be unwilling to sell in the short term at prices that Huntsman would be willing to pay .

  7. 胡铭表示,亨斯迈正在研究中国境内一系列可能成为收购对象的工厂,包括一些中国化工集团(他没有点名)旗下的工厂,以及科莱恩和巴斯夫拥有的工厂。

    Mr Hulme said huntsman was looking at a range of possible plants in China , including some owned by Chinese chemicals groups , which he did not identify , and plants owned by Clariant and BASF .