
  • 网络Mortgage Companies
  1. 最诺克斯维尔按揭公司应该给你你想要的服务。

    Most Knoxville Mortgage Companies should give you the service you want .

  2. 就连按揭公司都难以确认现有和潜在借款人的具体情况。

    Even mortgage companies are facing difficulties in confirming the particulars of actual and prospective borrowers .

  3. 这个名单是不全面的含义,有更多值得诺克斯维尔按揭公司了解。

    This list is not comprehensive meaning that there are additional Knoxville Mortgage Companies worth finding out about .

  4. 在这项计划的帮助下,五百万房屋拥有者可以通过政府控制的这两个按揭公司重新筹到贷款。

    Under the plan , up to five million owners could refinance their loans through the two mortgage companies now controlled by the government .

  5. 按揭证券公司继续有效地控制经营支出。

    The corporation continues to exercise tight control over its operating expenses .

  6. 此外,按揭证券公司在促进定息按揭发展方面取得良好进展。

    We are also making good progress in promoting fixed rate mortgages .

  7. 按揭证券公司发行的债务证券极受金融机构、机构投资者和散户投资者欢迎。

    The HKMC debt securities were well received by financial institutions , institutional investors and retail investors .

  8. 资产交换安排有助按揭证券公司在当前比较困难的市况下买入按揭资产。

    The asset swap arrangement will help the HKMC to acquire mortgage assets under the current difficult market environment .

  9. 事实上,金管局与按揭证券公司一直致力发展零售债券市场。

    Indeed , development of the retail bond market is a common aim shared by both the HKMA and the hkmc .

  10. 按揭证券公司奉行审慎的购买准则,确保按揭贷款组合的资产质素达到最高水平。

    The HKMC operates prudent purchasing criteria , with the aim of ensuring that its portfolio remains of the highest asset quality .

  11. 该计划具有几项创新的特点,应有助按揭证券公司更有效地吸引机构投资者。

    The Programme contains a number of innovative features which should help the HKMC to reach out effectively to the institutional investors .

  12. 如果没有这些衍生产品,起源于抵押贷款金融危机,可能终止于住房市场和按揭贷款公司的破产倒闭。

    If there were no derivatives , mortgage-originated crisis might end with the collapse of the housing market and bankruptcy of mortgage firms .

  13. 作为市场开拓者,按揭证券公司喜见零售债券市场在过往两年不断扩展。

    As the pioneer , we are also very pleased to see the deepening of the retail bond market in the past two years .

  14. 除提供与上次发行2及3年期的定息债券外,按揭证券公司将增推两款新产品。

    The HKMC will introduce two new products in addition to fixed rate bonds of2-year and3-year maturities that were also offered in the previous issue .

  15. 到第二阶段,按揭证券公司把按揭贷款证券化,然后把按揭证券售予投资�

    In the second phase , the HKMC securitises the mortgages into Mortgage Backed Securities ( MBS ) and offers them for sale to investors .

  16. 透过配售银行发售按揭证券公司债券的新机制,让一般投资者在认购及买卖债券时更感方便,证明非常有效。

    The new mechanism of offering HKMC notes through placing banks has proved to be highly effective in making the subscription process more convenient for the retail investors .

  17. 对于参与银行来说,与按揭证券公司合作,能更有效地发展更多新按揭业务,及向借款人推广其他银行产品。

    To the participating banks , their partnership with the HKMC provides an effective avenue for procuring new mortgage businesses and marketing their banking products to the borrowers .

  18. 配售银行及处理申请的指定分行数目大幅上升,令按揭证券公司能更有效地接触一般投资者。

    The significant increase in the number of placing banks and designated branches for processing applications will enable the HKMC to reach out more effectively to retail investors .

  19. 按揭证券公司将继续促进本地零售债券市场的发展,尽力以扩阔债券投资工具的选择来迎合一般投资者的需要。

    The HKMC will continue to promote the local debt market and devote our efforts to meet the needs of the retail investors by providing more choice of debt products .

  20. 根据该计划,按揭证券公司向贷款银行提供担保并收取担保费,担保额最高达物业价值的15%。

    Under the scheme , the HKMC provides a guarantee at a fee to the lending bank for an amount up to15 per cent of the value of the property .

  21. 根据是项计划,按揭证券公司票据将以不定期招标方式售予金管局指定的市场庄家及认可交易商。

    Under the programme , the HKMC notes will be sold from time to time by tender to a group of market makers and recognized dealers appointed by the hkma .

  22. 按揭证券公司将会促进银行和货币稳定,推动债务市场发展,以及协助市民置业,对香港裨益良多,意义重大。

    The HKMC has profound significance as it will entail considerable benefits to Hong Kong in terms of promoting banking and monetary stability , debt market development and home ownership .

  23. 由于按揭证券公司的目标是促进本地港元债券市场的发展,因此,公司以发行债券为主要的集资渠道。

    Debt issuance is the mainstay of hkmc 's funding sources , since one of the objectives of the HKMC is to promote the development of the local Hong Kong dollar debt capital market .

  24. 房利美及房贷美的信贷保险成本从上周的57基点收窄至42基点,表明市场认为这两家政府支持的按揭融资公司的债务风险有所下降。

    The cost of credit insurance for the two government-sponsored mortgage financiers narrowed to 42 basis points , from 57bp late last week , indicating the market now views their debt as less risky .

  25. 一九九九年第四季,按揭证券公司与道亨银行和美国运通银行这两位主要业务伙伴发行合共16.3亿元的按揭证券。

    The HKMC was able to issue an impressive HK $ 1.63 billion of MBS in the fourth quarter of1999 with two of its key business partners , namely Dao Heng Bank and American Express Bank .

  26. 这个计划,连同我们于今年一月成功推出的「港元债券发行计划」,将会成为按揭证券公司在港元债券市场筹集资金的两个主要渠道。

    This programme , together with the note issuance programme we successfully launched in January this year , will serve as the two main vehicles of the HKMC in raising funds in the Hong Kong dollar debt market .

  27. 我深信港元债务工具发行计划将会成为按揭证券公司另一集资的旗舰,而按揭证券公司日后亦将发展成为港元债券市场其中一个最主要的发行人。

    I believe the debt issuance programme will develop into another flagship of hkmc 's funding programme . I am also confident that in time to come , the HKMC will emerge as one of the largest issuers in the Hong Kong dollar debt market .

  28. 格伦伯格回应称,对于2008年底政府接管的大型按揭贷款担保公司,FDIC没有破产清算授权。

    Gruenberg responded that the FDIC had no authority over the large mortgage guarantee companies that were taken over by the government in late 2008 .

  29. 这个奖项亦肯定了任志刚在发展香港债务市场和金融基础设施,以及成立香港按揭证券有限公司上所作出的贡献。

    The award also noted his contribution to the development of the debt market and financial infrastructure in Hong kong , and the establishment of the Hong Kong Mortgage corporation .

  30. 我一直对住房市场感兴趣,也知道我有为自己工作的自律性,但我担心的是宣传自己所需要的金钱。她目前是加州按揭贷款服务公司ProMortgage的经纪人。

    I had always been interested in the housing market , and knew I had the self-discipline to work for myself , but I was concerned with the amount of self-promotion that was required .