
àn jiàn
  • key;keypad;keystroke;push-button;press key
按键 [àn jiàn]
  • (1) [keystroke]

  • (2) 按下键盘上的键的动作或实例

  • (3) 用手按的键

按键[àn jiàn]
  1. 我一按键,电脑就发出丁的一声。

    The computer just dings when I press a key .

  2. 键盘可以通过分析用户输入的力度和按键之间的时间来提供一个强大的安全层。

    The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user 's typing and the time between key presses .

  3. 这么多的资料一按键便可毫不费力地查到。

    All this information is readily available at the touch of a button .

  4. 他一按键就能得到完整的名单。

    At the push of a button he could get a whole list of names .

  5. 按键式电话从1963年起就开始在美国销售。

    Touch-tone telephones have been marketed in America since 1963 .

  6. 唯一的缺陷就是按键时反应略显迟缓。

    The only flaw is the slightly slow response times when you press the buttons .

  7. 在历时九个月的实验期间,儿童确实学会了如何操作摇杆与按键。

    Over the nine-month duration of the experiment , the youngsters did indeed learn how to manipulate the joystick and buttons .

  8. 另外一些附加按键是用来输入与计算机有关的特殊代码。

    as well as a number of additional keys used to enter special computer-related codes .

  9. 它看起来非常像一台打字机的键盘,上面配置着一排排典型打字机的按键,

    It looks very much like a typewriter keyboard with rows of keys arranged in the typical typewriter layout .

  10. 它看起来非常像一台打字机的键盘,上面配置着一排排典型打字机的按键,另外一些附加按键是用来输入与计算机有关的特殊代码,

    It looks very much like a typewriter keyboard with rows of keys arranged in the typical typewriter layout , as well as a number of additional keys used to enter special computer-related codes .

  11. 例如,SuggestionBox对于每次按键都发送一个请求。

    Suggestion Box , for example , sends a request on every keystroke .

  12. 基于FPGA器件的消除按键抖动方法研究

    Methods of eliminating the jitter of keys based on FPGA devices

  13. FPGA开发中按键消抖与单脉冲发生器电路

    Elimination Buffeting of Keystroke and Single Pulse Generator Circuit in FPGA Development Process

  14. 在整体布局上更加注重操作方便性与合理性,尤其体现在BackSpace键的重新布置、编辑与定位键区和数字辅助键区的按键布局上。

    It emphasized convenience and rationality , especially about relocation of Back Space key , layout of edition-orientation block and number - assistance block .

  15. 把键盘按键发送到服务器。只能在局域网内使用,服务器IP地址要设为192.168.1.101。

    Can only be used within the LAN , the server IP address should be set to192.168.1.101 .

  16. easy控制器,面板自带编程按键和液晶显示屏,具有自动动作功能、本地和远程扩展功能、通信功能。

    Easy controller with keyboard and LCD on the panel provides the functions of automatic action , local and remote expansion and communication .

  17. 一个带按键功能的LCD驱动电路设计

    A LCD Driver Circuit with Key Input Function Design

  18. 软件设计主要包括AD转换、软件校零、报警、LED动态扫描程序和按键程序的设计等等。

    Software design mainly includes AD conversation , Zero , Alarm , LED dynamic scanning and key-press program design .

  19. 可编程LCD按键开关:快速高效的操作界面解决方案

    Programmable LCD Keyswitches : an Operator Interface Alternative

  20. 采用按键控制速度,单LED显示速度等级,实现了基本的人机接口。

    The basic man-machine connection is achieved by the key to control speed and a single LED to demonstrate the speed rank .

  21. 金属按键、ATM机按键;

    Metal keys , ATM machine keys ;

  22. 记住,虽然对于每次按键都会发送请求,但是发送的参数是inputtext组件的整个内容。

    Keep in mind that although the request is sent on each keystroke , the argument sent is the entire content of the input text component .

  23. 对训练中每次按键反应时间(RT)均以毫秒(ms)计测并予以记录。

    Each button pressing reaction time ( RT ) has been measured and recorded in unit of ms.

  24. 例如,GoogleEarth并不始终以有效的方式响应按键事件,无论重复率和速度如何。

    For example , Google Earth does not always respond in a useful way to key-down events regardless of the repeat rate and speed .

  25. 设计出用单片微控制器配以人工控制按键、各种检测元件,LED显示管构成的开关电路、故障自动保护和报警指示电路。

    On the basis of the single-chip micro-controller , press buttons and sensors , the controlling switch circuit , auto-protecting circuit and alarming circuit are designed .

  26. 它的实时转速值通过LED显示非常方便直观,还可以通过按键显示瞬时转速值,事先设定的转速值。

    Its real-time speed values are directly displayed by LED , and instantaneous speed values are also displayed by the push-buttons and prior setting speed values .

  27. 你是不是希望iPhone摄像头有个实体快门键?其实这个按键本来就有。

    If you 've ever wished your iPhone camera had a physical shutter button , look no further .

  28. GUI贴图适合于在游戏中,对用户的游戏接口背景,按键和其他元件。

    GUI Textures are perfect for presenting game interface backgrounds , buttons , or other elements to the player .

  29. 最少,它包含了默认转化及所有通用转化的Enter按键,因为按键支持在移动项目中处于关闭状态。

    At a minimum , include the Enter key for the default transformation and all custom transformations , because keyboard support is disabled in mobile projects .

  30. 但是,和Windows使用Control键不同,Mac键盘使用的是Command键;该按键上有一个三叶草标志或苹果标识。

    However , instead of using the Control key , they use the Mac 's Command key , which bears either a cloverlike symbol or an Apple logo .