
  • 网络on-demand computing;Computing On Demand
  1. 允许实现新的计算模型;特别是,新的基于Portal的客户端模型、网格计算和按需计算(on-demandcomputing)。

    Allow implementation of new computing models ; specifically , new portal-based client models , Grid computing , and on-demand computing .

  2. 而方面化中间件平台DCAM能够实现面向按需计算的自适应需求,是一种以支持系统平台的实时重构为目的的中间件计算环境。

    However , aspectual middleware platform DCAM is a middleware computing environment , which satisfies the self-adapting of on-demand computing and supports the real-time reconstruction of system platform .

  3. 基于Agent实现Web服务的按需计算

    Implementation of Computing On Demand for Web Services Based on Agent

  4. 按需计算或效用计算等理念成为业界追求的目标,SOA思想是解决应用集成的一种思路。

    On-demand computing and utility computing become many enterprises ' goal and service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) is regarded as a way of reorganizing software applications and infrastructure into a set of interacting services .

  5. 然而用户需求的个性化以及互联网应用环境的千差万别,使得Web服务通过预先设定的程序很难理解和满足用户各种不同的需求,从而很难满足按需计算的两大要求&适量和动态。

    However , with diversities of users ' requirements and differences of application environments , it is hard for Web Services to exactly meet varies of demands from user only through prefabricated programs , thereby hard to achieve the two requirements of Computing On Demand : moderate and dynamic .

  6. 它们也把按需计算和按需数据访问变成了一项公用事业。

    They also turn on-demand computing and access to data into a utility .

  7. 随着因特网的蓬勃发展,网络计算正逐渐由以计算机为中心向以人为中心转变,按需计算成为发展趋势。

    With the development of Internet , the trend of Computing On Demand will be inevitable .

  8. 实现按需计算的应用模式已成为服务器技术研究领域的热点问题之一,其重点之一便是要求服务端计算系统能够依据用户特性分配相应的计算资源。

    On-Demand Computing , as a new IT application model , emphasizes the management requirement of the server resources allocation to users who received priority for particular tasks .

  9. 由于摆脱了资源的地理位置和操作环境等方面的限制,计算过程将呈现出数据驱动的特点,从而实现按需计算,使计算系统可以在更大范围内为用户提供服务。

    Without the restriction of resource location and operating environment , the computing process presents the feature of being data-driven , and computing on demand is realized as well . Therefore , the computing system can provide the user with more wide service .

  10. 云计算将取代按需定制计算,作为组织获取IT资源的主要方式。

    Cloud computing will overtake on-premise computing as the primary way organizations acquire IT resources .

  11. 基础结构服务主要通过按需分配计算能力来解决正确配备数据中心这一问题。

    Infrastructure services address the problem of properly equipping data centers by assuring computing power when needed .

  12. 通过按需扩展计算资源的特性,实现了支持业务算法模型的快速变更。

    By the characteristics of computing resources to expand as needed to achieve a fast algorithm model to support business change .

  13. 云计算可以按需访问计算资源,而不需关注资源是物理资源还是虚拟资源、是专用资源还是共享资源。

    Cloud Computing allows users to access the computing resources on demand without concern about virtual resources or physical , dedicated resources or shared .

  14. 虚拟化也促使按需出售计算能力的大型“云供应商”兴起,比如隶属于网上购物巨头亚马逊且与之同名的“亚马逊网络服务公司”。

    Virtualisation has also given rise to big " cloud providers ", which offer computing power on demand , such as Amazon Web Services , a subsidiary of the eponymous online-shopping giant .

  15. 基于个性化服务的需求,用户需要根据网络环境和资源条件选择不同功能集的程序,由此产生了大规模分布式网络中按需定制计算问题。

    End users want to customize the functional feature sets of programs or services according to network environments and resource constraints . Thus forms the problem of on-demand computing in large-scale distributed networks .

  16. 云计算作为一种商业计算模式,将任务分布在大量计算机构成的资源池上,使用户能够按需获取计算力、存储空间和信息服务。

    As a business computing mode , cloud computing set the task on a large number of resource pools , which are consist of computers . Then according to users ' demand , they can get the computing power , storage space and information services .

  17. 介绍了一套机器人足球决策软件系统的设计实现方案,采用六步推理模型,基于数组对称和按需首次计算的视觉信息预处理方法;提出基于角色的改进多参考点运动轨迹规划方法。

    A design and realization project on robot soccer decision software system were introduced , which used six steps reasoning model and visual information pretreatment method based on symmetry of array and first calculation for requirement , to propose path plan method of multiple reference points based on role improvement .

  18. 通风网路按需分风计算中的一种计算机快速算法

    Algorithm for rapid calculation of air distribution in ventilation network according to the requirement

  19. 这种按需服务的计算环境称为觉察上下文的计算。

    This kind of " services according to demands " computing environment is called " context-aware computing " .

  20. 云计算是推动大规模、按需、动态计算发展的新兴技术。

    Cloud computing is a promising technology to facilitate the development of large-scale , on-demand , flexible computing infrastructures .

  21. 通过这2种计算方式的对比,认为基本电价按最大需量计算是可行的。

    Though the comparison between the two calculation means it can concluded that it 's rational that basic tariff is calculated according to most demand requirement .

  22. 按需分配的计算能力和租金廉价的硬件平台使得中小企业不再受硬件的限制,促进了中小企业的发展。

    Computing Capability provided according to requirement and cheap cost for hardware platform enables the small and medium-sized enterprises no longer subjected to the hardware limitations , which promote the company development .

  23. 首先是内在的自相矛盾:公司目前正在使用私有云提供灵活、按需提供的计算环境,因此不能苛责IT部门不够灵活。

    The first is an inherent contradiction : one cannot castigate IT departments for being inflexible when they are using private cloud to deliver a flexible , on-demand computing environment for their businesses .