
  1. 当用水冲洗时,用葡萄糖酸钙凝胶按摩皮肤。

    Calcium gluconate gel can be massaged into skin while flushing with water .

  2. 轻轻地按摩皮肤,然后用湿毛巾擦掉,或用水清洗。

    Massage into the skin and remove with damp cotton wool or wash off with water .

  3. 她用科瑞牌白色植物起酥油按摩皮肤,对抗皮肤干燥,减少拇囊炎带来的摩擦。

    She rubs her skin with Crisco , the white vegetable shortening , to combat dry skin and reduce friction from bunions .

  4. 接下来,再用紧裹薰衣草、甘菊、金盏草与蜜蜂花的细布袋来回按摩皮肤,让金油沁入肌肤。

    Here , tight-bound muslin sacks of lavender , Camomile , calendula and Melissa are used to massage the golden oils into the skin .

  5. 将油和基础油混合,按摩直至皮肤吸收。

    Oils may be mixed with a base oil and massaged into the skin .

  6. 结论:注射前按摩局部皮肤可促进药物吸收,降低皮下出血发生率。

    Massaging the local skin pre-injection can accelerate drug absorbing , and lessen the morbility of subcutaneous haemorrhage .

  7. 软膏被一天两次轻轻地按摩入皮肤直至症状完全消失或最长四周。

    The creams were massaged in twice daily until complete subsiding of the symptoms or for a maximum of four weeks .

  8. 将软膏按摩入皮肤的方式或软膏敷料对疗效无影响,药物的耐受性非常良好。

    The mode of administration massage of the cream into the skin or cream dressing had no influence on the result of treatment ; the tolerability was considered to be very good .

  9. 因此,最好的就是,在使用面油或者护肤油或霜之前,首先用泥巴面膜或者上面的泥巴按摩清理皮肤,来去除死皮细胞并吸出毒素。

    It is best therefore first to cleanse the skin and use a clay mask or the above mud massage to remove dead skin cells and draw out toxins before applying the face oil or body oil or creams .

  10. 面部按摩可以改善皮肤血液循环,让面部恢复新生,所以,在VideoJug的帮助下学习怎样专业地为自己进行面部按摩。

    Facial massages are known for improving the circulation to your skin and rejuvenate your face , so learn how to give yourself a facial massage professionally with VideoJug 's help .

  11. 游泳后按摩对新生儿皮肤黄疸的影响

    The affect of massage after swimming on newborn skin jaundice

  12. 一日一次,每次5毫升,使用时直接喷洒在头皮上,反复按摩,以促进皮肤吸收和局部血液循环。

    One time a day , 5ml every time , spray in directly , massage time after time , Promote blood circulation and skin absorption .

  13. 按摩治疗组肌肉皮肤颜色接近正常,皮肤与筋膜粘连不明显,没有按摩对兔骨骼肌挫伤后修复作用的研究张静硬结。

    In massage treatment group muscle skin color is close to be normal . Also , the adhesion of skin and tendon membrane is not obvious and there is no scleroma .