
  1. 高盛称,指控将涉及其作为13亿美元按揭抵押债券发行承销商的信息披露问题。

    The firm said the charges would relate to the disclosures Goldman made as underwriter of an offering of $ 1.3 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities .

  2. 对冲基金表示,近些天来,有几家银行已切断了以按揭、债务抵押债券(cdo)和次级证券为抵押品的基金的贷款渠道。

    Hedge funds say several banks in recent days have cut off lending pipelines to funds that use credit portfolios , including mortgages , collateralised debt obligations and subprime securities , as collateral .

  3. 摩根大通做出的一个最重要的选择就是:不要把基于住宅按揭证券的债务抵押债券(cdo)销售业务做得太大。

    The most important single choice JPMorgan made was not to be big in the business of selling collateralised debt obligations based on residential mortgage securities .