
  • 网络existing home sales
  1. 伊利诺伊州房地产经纪人协会(illinoisassociationofrealtors)的数据显示,肯德尔县7月成屋销售同比增加19.7%,为芝加哥地区最高增速。

    Sales of existing homes rose 19.7 per cent in July from last year , the fastest growth in the Chicago metropolitan area , according to the Illinois Association of Realtors .

  2. 周四的成屋销售数字显示出这些措施可能不再有效。

    Today 's existing-home sales numbers suggest it may not be .

  3. 但是业者的另一项报告说,二手屋或成屋销售减少百分之十一点七。

    However , another report by dealers said that the sales of second-hand and finished houses decreased 11.7 % .

  4. 9月成屋销售完成数据反映了7月和8月签订的购房合约,当时抵押贷款利率比5月高出约1个百分点。

    Final sales in September reflected contracts signed in July and August , when rates were about a percentage point higher than in May .

  5. 美国9月成屋销售价格中值为19.92万美元,同比上涨11.7%。

    The median price for an existing home was $ 199,200 in September , up 11.7 per cent from the same period a year ago .

  6. 美国2月份成屋销售价格下滑8.2%,价格中值为19.59万美元,创下全美房地产经纪人协会自1968年开始记录房价以来的最大单月跌幅。

    House prices fell 8.2 per cent - the biggest one-month drop since the NAR began keeping records in 1968 - to a median price of $ 195900

  7. 美国2月份成屋销售从12年低点反弹,贱价销售吸引了首次购房者入市寻找廉价房产。

    The sales of existing US homes rebounded from a 12-year low in February as distressed sales brought first-time buyers into the market in search of bargains .

  8. 本来已经较低的预期还是令人失望地达不到:7月独栋成屋销售下滑近30%,为15年最低。

    Already low expectations were disappointed nonetheless : sales of existing single-family homes in July fell by nearly 30 per cent , to their lowest for 15 years .

  9. 虽然成屋销售一般占年住宅销售总量的75%左右,但毕竟没有什么供应面因素对住房市场健康和平衡的重要性能与新建住房匹敌。

    After all , no supply factor is as crucial to the health and balance of the housing market as new homes , even though in a typical year existing-home sales represent about 75 % of all residential sales .

  10. 全国地产经纪商协会(NationalAssociationofRealtors)7月份成屋签约销售指数从6月份的94.6升至97.6。

    The National Association of Realtors ' pending home sales index rose to 97.6 in July from 94.6 in June .

  11. 与2007年3月相比,美国成屋签约销售指数下降了21.7%。

    Compared with March 2007 , US pending home sales are down 21.7 per cent .

  12. 成屋待销售合同通常需要一到两个月才能签定合同。

    Pending sales on houses under contract usually takes one to two months for a sign contract .

  13. 上个月待完成的成屋待销售房屋指数升至两年半以来的最高水平。

    The number of pending home sales rose to it 's highest level in two and half years last month .