
  1. 他们环顾四周,发现了许多成功大道。

    They look around and see lots of avenues to success .

  2. 安迪的成功大道上布满了重重阻挠。

    Andy 's road to success was full of obstacles .

  3. 克服万难,终于踏上了成功大道。

    Having overcome countless hardships , he has embarked on the road to success .

  4. 辛勤的劳动是通向成功的大道。

    Hard work is the best avenue to success .

  5. 在历经磨难后,他终于开始更加信心蓬勃地走在成功的大道上了!

    After losing so many chances , he is now walking with more confidence on his road to success .

  6. 你们即将各奔前程。我今天的希望就是,你们要始终睁大眼睛寻找奉献的机会,抓住它们,这是使你们成功的光明大道。

    My hope today , as you commence to new beginnings , is you will always keep your eyes open for those opportunities to give and embrace them as your best sure way of doing well .

  7. 通往成功广告创意的大道

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