
  • 网络Berjaya Group;Berjaya Corp;berjaya group berhad;Berjaya Corporation Berhad
  1. 我要重申,成功集团从来没来提呈任何有关发展升旗山的发展计划给州政府。

    I wish to reiterate that the Berjaya group has never sent any proposal to develop Penang Hill to the present state government .

  2. 科士威集团有限公司被列入马来西亚证券交易所出售后蔡博士在90年代中期该公司的成功集团。

    Cosway Corp Bhd was listed in the Malaysian stock exchange after Chuah sold the company to the Berjaya group in the mid-1990s .

  3. 所以,丁福南敢不敢拿出你的证据,证明民联政府已经批准了成功集团发展升旗山的计划?

    So Teng Hock Nan , do you have the guts to show your evidence to prove that the present PR state government has approved Berjaya 's plans to develop Penang Hill ?

  4. 随着南顺在香港的成功,集团更进一步北上开拓中国这个全世界最具发展潜力的市

    " These achievements are also extended to China , the world 's largest potential market . "

  5. 与此相比,作为世界最大、最成功石油集团之一,埃克森的股价上涨240%,而英国石油仅上涨40%。

    That compares to a rise of 240 per cent for Exxon , the largest and one of the most successful oil groups , and just 40 per cent for BP .

  6. 许多成功的集团都采取过这种手法,但却存在一个重大局限:以往业绩好的集团往往会迅速扩大它们所管理的资本。

    Many successful groups have taken such an approach . There is just one important limitation : groups that have been successful in the past tend to rapidly expand the capital they have under management .

  7. 关键是任何一种模式的选择都要有相适合的内外部环境并且配合完善的监督管理机制,成功的集团化企业一定是对于管理模式科学系统的应用。

    The key point is that each kinds of management model has its own inside and outside circumstance , and also has perfect mechanism of supervision and administration . Successful enterprises must make the appropriate management model in use .

  8. 并成功将JH集团塑造成了一个高知名度的品牌。

    And successfully shaping JH Group has become a high-profile brands .

  9. 同样,一些最为成功的私营集团,例如电信设备制造商华为(Huawei)及个人电脑生产商联想(Lenovo),也得益于与政府之间的密切联系。

    Likewise , some of the most successful privately run groups , such as telecommunications equipment maker Huawei and PC manufacturer Lenovo , have been helped by their close ties to government .

  10. 尽管推广局在尽力帮助小农,实际上却是在为一个越来越小的成功的农民集团服务。

    In spite of efforts to help the small farmer , Extension is serving a smaller and smaller group of successful farmers .

  11. 如果它取得成功,该集团计划斥资数十亿欧元,到2015年左右在德国、挪威和丹麦建造3座规模更大的250至350兆瓦示范电厂。

    If it is a success , the group plans to spend several billion euros on three larger 250mw-350mw demonstration plants in Germany , Norway and Denmark by the middle of the next decade .

  12. 第四部分是商业银行综合营销案例研究,以某高速公路集团公司和下属证券公司为例,研究某商业银行通过套餐型金融服务以及公私联动营销等综合营销模式成功营销高速公路集团的案例。

    The fourth part is a commercial bank integrated marketing case studies to a highway under the Securities Group and an example , a commercial bank-based financial services package through public-private joint marketing and integrated marketing model case of successful marketing Highway Group .

  13. 2006年,施瑞德领导的花旗财团成功击败包括星展集团在内的竞争对手,购得了广东发展银行(GuangdongDevelopmentbank)85%的股权。

    Mr Stanley led a successful Citigroup consortium bid for an 85 per cent stake in Guangdong Development Bank in 2006 against rival offers , including one from DBS .

  14. 成功者包括万达集团和SOHO中国集团,将有巨大的收益。

    Winners included Wanda Group and SOHO China , which posted huge gains .

  15. 然而,尽管取得了这些成功,但花旗集团(Citigroup)奢侈品分析师奥利弗•陈却认为,这家公司原本可以有更好的表现。

    Despite these successes , results could even have been better , says Oliver Chen , luxury analyst at Citigroup .

  16. 最近几年,凯雷一直是在中国最为成功的私人股本集团之一,为投资者创造了不俗的回报。

    Carlyle has stood out as one of the most successful private equity groups in China in recent years , generating handsome returns for its investors .