
  1. 自2月20日北京方面上一次提高成品油价以来,布伦特原油价格已上涨18%。

    Brent crude has risen 18 per cent since Beijing last raised pump prices on February 20 .

  2. 专家指出,如果成品油价未来下调,则对炼油行业将是利空,而对运输、航空等行业则带来利好。

    Some experts pointed out the possible price dropping of product oil would bring benefit to transportation and aviation industries .

  3. 的确,自2009年推出这一定价机制以来,中国成品油价的涨幅一直小于原油价格篮子,影响了炼油商的利润。

    Indeed , pump prices in China have risen more slowly than the basket of crude prices since this pricing system was introduced in 2009 , cutting refiners ' profits .

  4. 发改委称,此次降价后,国内成品油价仍与国际油价保持超过7美元的价差,较三种参考油价更低。

    Fagaiwei says after this price cut , the finished oil price in china keeps a lower more than $ 7 gap with international price , and even lower than the three reference prices .

  5. 面对通胀威胁,北京方面迄今一直把成品油价保持在远低于作为参照的国际原油篮子的水平。全国各地加油站的成品油价上调约5%。

    The threat of inflation is such that Beijing has kept motor fuels much cheaper than the basket of international crude oils it uses as its reference . Prices are up roughly 5 per cent at filling stations across the country .