
  1. 通过冷态和热态实验测试,论证了陶瓷热交换器应用于高温烟气(高于1273K)余热回收利用的可行性。

    Cold and hot static tests evidence the feasibility of the ceramic heat exchanger to be used for heat recovery from high temperature flue gas ( above 1273 K ) .

  2. 某服装生产厂房整烫车间余热回收利用分析

    Analysis on Excess Heat Recycle of Steam Ironing in Clothing Factories

  3. 我公司玻璃窑炉烟气余热回收利用及探讨

    Discussion on Recovery of Waste Heat From Flue Gas of Glass Furnace

  4. 运用系统工程方法搞好余热回收利用的实践

    The practice to do well waste heat recovery and utilization using systems engineering

  5. 油页岩干馏装置循环冷却水余热回收利用

    Reutilization of Residual Heat from Cooling Water of Oil Shale Dry Distillation Units

  6. 中央空调系统余热回收利用节能效果的分析

    Energy Conservation Efficiency Analysis of Centre Condensation Heat Recovery of Air Conditioning System

  7. 研究含油污水余热回收利用技术;

    The utilized technique of surplus heat recovery for sewage with oil should be studied ;

  8. 丙烯腈装置焚烧炉余热回收利用的分析

    An Analysis of the Recovery and Utilization of Waste Heat from a Acrylonitrile Plant Incinerator

  9. 余热回收利用的好,可降低生产成本,提高产品市场竞争力。

    Recovery and utilization of waste heat may reduce production cost and enhance competitive power of products .

  10. 稠油热采注汽锅炉烟气余热回收利用

    Energy-conservation of the Residual Heat of the Flue Gas in a heavy-oil heating recovery steam injection boiler

  11. 烟气除尘、余热回收利用是钢铁冶炼中保护环境、节约能源的对策之一。

    Dust collection and waste heat utilization are considered as one of tactics for environment protection and energy saving .

  12. 高压溶出新蒸汽冷凝水余热回收利用探讨

    Discussion on the recycling and utilizing the waste heat of live steam condensed water from the high pressure digestion

  13. 工业锅炉烟气可用余热量的计算基准问题我公司玻璃窑炉烟气余热回收利用及探讨

    A Criterion for Evaluating Recoverable Flue Gas Heat of Industrial Boilers Discussion on Recovery of Waste Heat From Flue Gas of Glass Furnace

  14. 高效节能换热装置涉及一种锅炉余热回收利用装置。

    The utility model relates to a high-efficient energy-saving heat exchanger , particularly a waste heat recovery and reuse device of a boiler .

  15. 工业炉窑烟气余热回收利用,是提高炉子热效率、节约炉用燃料的极为有效的途径。

    Recycle and utilization of waste heat in exhaust fume of industrial furnaces is the efficient way enhancing furnace heat efficiency and saving fuel used by furnace .

  16. 因此,加速研究开发钢渣余热回收利用技术是目前钢铁工业亟待解决的一个重要研究课题。

    Therefore , to accelerate the research and development of steel slag waste heat recovery technology is an important research subject to be solved in current steel industry .

  17. 本文针对化肥生产压缩工段的氮氢气压缩机级间气体余热回收利用技术与装备开展了研究。

    This article is focus on interstage gas waste heat recycling technology and equipment of the nitrogen-hydrogen compressor of the compression section for fertilizer production section to carry out research .

  18. 本文基于船舶柴油机大量废气余热回收利用的考虑,设计并加工了一套固体吸附式制冰机实验台。

    This paper , based on the consideration of recovery use of the waste heat from the Marine diesel engine exhaust gas , has designed and produced a solid adsorption test bench which can produce ice .

  19. 吸收式变热器是一种有广阔应用前景的余热回收利用装置,可以有效回收50%左右的低品位余热,但还需要进一步分析可用工质对和它们相关的性能参数。

    The absorption heat transformer is a promising system which can recover about 50 % of the waste heat . However , there exists a need for identifying suitable working pairs and for evaluating their relative performance characteristics .

  20. 提出了该部分余热的回收利用方案,即采用BR型板式换热器对循环水进行换热回收。

    It puts forth a scheme for recycling the residual heat , i.e.using BR plate-type heat exchangers to recycle heat from the circulating water .

  21. 燃气机热泵余热的回收利用

    Recovery and Utilization of Residual Heat from Gas Engine-driven Heat Pump

  22. 烟道气余热的回收利用,具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。

    The recycling of heat from flue gas has significantly economic and social benefits .

  23. 宝钢炼铁系统余热资源回收利用现状与潜力分析

    Status and Potential Analysis of Waste Heat Recourse Recovery and Utilization in Iron Making System of Bao Steel

  24. 并借此引起电厂对余热合理回收利用的重视,从而达到节能降耗的目的。

    So power plants will pay attention to waste heat reasonable recovery for energy saving and consumption reduction .

  25. 电厂冷却水余热回收与利用系统具有良好的节能性、环保性和经济性。

    The cooling water of power plant heat energy using and recycling has the good energy saving , environment-protective and economical .

  26. 开展中高温热泵技术研究,具有拓展热泵节能技术的应用空间、提供工业余热资源回收利用手段的节能与环保意义。

    Optimal design is done for water to water moderate and high temperature heat pump system from the viewpoint of saving energy and materials .

  27. 本文通过充分的分析和研究,创新性地完成了低压、非稳态流程中余热回收和利用的设计。

    In this paper , a full analysis and research , innovative completed the low-voltage , non-steady state process waste heat recovery and utilization of design .

  28. 节能减排是我国的一项基本国策,而余热回收和利用是企业降低运行成本的有效手段之一。

    Energy-saving is a basic national policy , and the waste heat recovery and utilization is an effective means to reduce operating costs for the enterprise .

  29. 在对重点流程的分析和研究的过程中,抓住其关键环节,设计出余热回收与利用相互关联的新系统。

    After the analysis and research of the important processes , design a new system of waste heat recovery due to get hold of the key section .

  30. 本文主要完成了丙酮回收系统中吸附床的余热回收和利用的研究,该研究项目被实施后取得良好的经济与社会效益。

    In this paper , mainly about how the waste heat recovery of the acetone recovery system in the adsorbent bed had been complete , the project has been implemented to achieve good economic and social benefits .