
  1. 在冶金行业应用时,可充分利用余热资源,其中100m3级高炉的汽化冷却余热可满足4.0×106kJ/h的制冷机使用,节能效果显著。

    This refrigerator can be full used of remaining heat resource produced in the metallurgical industry , the remaining heat resource of gasification cooling of 100m 3 blast furnace can meet the needs of 4.0 × 10 6kJ / h refrigerator and it has good result .

  2. 工业企业余热资源量计算的计算机辅助系统

    Computer aided calculation of quantity of waste heat resources in industry

  3. 提出余热资源利用的关键技术。

    The research has put forward the key technology of waste heat utilization .

  4. 水泥窑余热资源的回收与利用

    Recovery and utilization of waste heat from cement kiln

  5. 鹤煤(集团)公司余热资源综合利用研究

    On the Afterheat Resource Utilization Project of Hebi Coal ( Group ) Company

  6. 本钢的余热资源及其回收利用

    Waste heat resource and its recovery utilization in Benxi Iron and Steel Company

  7. 电站锅炉余热资源利用的研究

    Research on Recuperation of Boiler in Power Plant

  8. 我国钢铁工业余热资源及利用状况

    An investigation on waste heat resources and its utilization in china 's steel industry

  9. 在回收余热资源、节能减排中起着至关重要的作用。

    It can play a vital role in the recovery of waste heat and energy conservation .

  10. 10万t锌冶炼工程余热资源的综合利用工程实践

    Engineering Practice on Comprehensive Utilization of Surplus Heat Resource from 100 kt / a Zinc Smelting Project

  11. 侧重介绍了沸腾焙烧炉、烟化炉等炉窑的余热资源的回收及其利用系统。

    The paper introduces the waste heat recovery and utilization system of fluosolid roasters and fuming furnaces .

  12. 宝钢炼铁系统余热资源回收利用现状与潜力分析

    Status and Potential Analysis of Waste Heat Recourse Recovery and Utilization in Iron Making System of Bao Steel

  13. 根据余热资源分布的数量和温度水平,热管技术在冶金工业中的应用主要有两种形式:空气换热器和余热锅炉,并且主要集中在中低温余热资源的利用。

    Air heat exchanger and residual heat boiler are two kinds of application of heat pipe in metallurgical industry .

  14. GB/T17719-1999工业锅炉及火焰加热炉烟气余热资源量计算方法与利用导则

    Calculating method and utilization guides for waste heat resource 's quantity of industrial boiler 's and flame heating furnace 's waste gas

  15. 水-水热泵在建筑能量系统的环境保护、开发和利用余热资源中起着重要作用。

    Water to water heat pumps play an important role in environmental protection , developing of working fluid of waste heat resource .

  16. 开展中高温热泵技术研究,具有拓展热泵节能技术的应用空间、提供工业余热资源回收利用手段的节能与环保意义。

    Optimal design is done for water to water moderate and high temperature heat pump system from the viewpoint of saving energy and materials .

  17. 高炉熔渣的显热是一种高品位的余热资源,目前对其回收利用的比较少。

    The sensible heat in slag is a significant high-quality waste heat resource . At present , the heat recycled from slag is few .

  18. 低温余热资源分布比较分散,传热温差小,回收比较困难,但回收价值可观。

    Low temperature waste heat resources distribution is dispersive and the temperature difference is small , so recovery is more difficult . But the recovery of considerable value .

  19. 我国工业余热资源丰富,但余热回收利用效率低下,其中尤以中、低温烟气余热利用节能潜力巨大。

    The industrial waste heat resources of our country are abundant , but inefficient use and recovery of it , especially in low-temperature flue gas utilization of waste heat energy has great potential .

  20. 我国中低温余热资源总量十分丰富,尤其是在工业领域,如果能加以充分利用,将为社会节约大量资源。

    There is large amount of mid-low-temperature waste heat in China , especially in the industrial field . If it can be used fully , we will save tremendous energy for the whole country .

  21. 为充分利用余热资源,开发了废气经高温除尘后直接用于烧结点火的余热直接利用技术。

    In order to recycle residual heat , the technology of waste heat direct use that is , the waste gas is directly used for sintering ignition after the high temperature dedusting was developed .

  22. 该工艺可充分利用污泥的矿物组分和热值,并能利用烟气余热资源,减少大气热污染,保护环境作用显著。

    This process is characterized with the full usage of mineral and heat value of sludge , reducing the influence of atmospheric thermal pollution and also a desirable utilizing of waste heat from flue .

  23. 以全面分析生产热轧板材钢铁联合企业中的能量平衡为基础,详细讨论了该类钢铁企业内部的各种余热资源、二次能源的回收方法和回收率,分析了二次能源的转换效率。

    Based on the energy balance at integrated steel enterprise producing hot rolled flat products , the methods of recovering waste heat , utilization of secondary energy , and energy recycling efficiency are discussed .

  24. 我国工业炉余热资源丰富,可用余热资源达3000万t标煤以上:现回收率不到40%,大量余热资源被浪费,损失人民币几十亿元。

    Afterheat resource is abundant in our industrial furnaces . The usable part of that to be estimated as the coal can exceed 30 million Nt . But the yield is less than 40 % .

  25. 目前在我国工业领域中存在大量小规模的余热资源,由于缺乏有效的技术手段而没有得到充分利用,使得总体的能源使用效率偏低。

    Currently there are a lot of small-scale waste heat resources in our industry , which have not been fully utilized due to lacking of effective technical means , resulting in a low overall energy efficiency .

  26. 煤矿生产过程中矿井回风蕴含着非常丰富的余热资源,而且回风气流温度、湿度全年处于基本稳定的状态,是一种非常优质的低温热源。

    The mine exhaust air in the process of the coal-mine production can generate a very rich waste resources , and the temperature , and humidity of exhaust air flow are in a basic stable state all year .

  27. 炼钢转炉产生的高温炉气不仅可以回收大量煤气,而且余热资源丰富,充分回收高温炉气余热具有重大意义。

    The high temperature flue gas waste heat which was generated by steel convertor could not only recycle gas but also was rich in resources , so it had great significance to make full use of the waste heat .

  28. 为回收一台52m2铁矿烧结机的冷却过程余热资源,回用于烧结原料的混合和加热过程,实际设计一套基于热管元件的余热锅炉系统。

    In order to recover the waste heat in a 52m ~ 2 iron-ore sinter 's cooling process , and to provide heat in turn for sinter material 's mixing and heating , an exhaust boiler system was designed in practice .

  29. 对宝钢余能余热资源的分布及回收进行简要分析,经测算1991年宝钢余能余热回收率达到43%左右,但与世界先进水平尚有一定差距。

    The distribution and recovery of the waste energy and heat in Bac Steel are analysed . The calculated recovery per cent in the year 1991 hit 43 % or so , but still fell short of the world advanced level .

  30. 本文通过对高压溶出系统的余热资源进行认真剖析,提出了解决余热利用的两个方案,并对方案的投资、经济效益进行了对比分析。

    On the basis of analysing the waste heat resources of high pressure leaching system , two plans of waste heat recovery have been put forward in this paper , and make a comparison between the two plans about the cost and benefits .