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  • Waste heat power generation;cogeneration
  1. 水泥工业纯低温余热发电技术及其效益分析

    Low-temperature cogeneration technology and its benefit analysis for cement industry

  2. 新型干法水泥厂利用余热发电不仅经济效益明显,而且技术成熟。

    Cogeneration adopted in cement plant has exhibited both matured technology and obvious economical benefit .

  3. PLC在余热发电工程中的应用

    The PLC 's Application in the Spare - heat Generating Engineering

  4. PLC系统在低温余热发电中的应用

    On PLC Control System Used in the Low Temperature Waste-Heat Power Generation

  5. DCS系统在硫酸余热发电过程中的应用

    Application of DCS in Power Generating With the Redundant Heat from Sulphuric Acid Production

  6. DCS集散型控制系统在余热发电站的应用

    Application of DCS distributed control system in the power station of superfluous quantity of heat

  7. 水泥厂余热发电DCS及模糊控制算法的应用

    Application of DCS and Fuzzy Control Technology in Surplus Heat Power Generation of Cement Factory

  8. 以该水泥厂余热发电DCS控制系统为研究对象,根据当前余热发电DCS控制系统的实际需要,对以往水泥厂余热发电DCS控制系统进行优化。

    The design used this cement plant waste heat power generation DCS control system as the research object . According to the current actual need of waste heat power generation DCS control system .

  9. 另外汽轮机DEH(电液调节控制系统),目前都是由汽轮机配套厂家来完成,相对于余热发电DCS控制系统是一个独立的孤岛。

    In addition , Steam turbine electrohydraulic control system ( DEH ), it is completed by turbine manufacturers . It is an independent " island " to the waste heat power generation DCS control system .

  10. 但目前国内水泥行业CDM项目绝大多数为余热发电项目,鲜有资源综合利用项目,如燃料替代、原料替代、添加混合材。

    But most of the domestic CDM projects in the cement industry are the waste heat power generation projects , only few are resource-comprehensive utilization projects , such as fuel and raw material substitution , increasing the blend .

  11. 论文中所研究的EHD强化凝结换热技术是低温余热发电工程中一个具体应用,为EHD强化换热技术的实用化提供了实验基础。

    This technique of EHD condensation heat transfer enhancement researched in this thesis is a concrete application in low temperature wasted heat power generation which offers an experimental foundation to the practical application .

  12. 介绍了石油焦煅烧新工艺和Φ2.84×55m回转窑的技术特点以及利用其烟气进行余热发电,可满足炭素厂全厂用电需求。

    The new calcining process and technical characteristics of Φ 2.84 × 55m rotary kiln and the application of waste heat generating electricity technology to supply power for the complete carbon plant are introduced here .

  13. 对低温余热发电系统的研究结果表明:以低沸点介电流体为工质可以构建低温余热发电系统,但存在发电效率低等问题。针对这一实验模型进行了EHD强化凝结换热及发电的实验研究。

    The research of low temperature wasted power generation system indicates that a low temperature wasted heat power generation system can be built using low boiling point dielectrical fluid as working fluid , however the problem of low generation efficiency exists .

  14. 本文以解决低温余热发电系统中存在的换热器温差小、换热能力差等关键问题为主要目的,开展了EHD强化冷凝换热效应的实验及理论研究。

    Aimed at overcoming the bottleneck problems about low temperature difference and poor heat transfer capability of heat exchangers existed in low temperature waste heat power generation , the experiments and mechanism of EHD condensation heat transfer enhancement were researched in this thesis .

  15. 利用工业余热发电是硅化物中温区(400-800K)热电材料的一个重要应用,在大规模高品质的新能源应用领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    An important application of middle-temperature thermoelectric materials ( 400-800K ) is to generate electricity from waste heat in industrial field and daily life . Silicide is one of the promising thermoelectric based on its high quality and abundance in shell .

  16. 余热发电蒸汽管网控制

    The Control of the Vapour Pipe Net in Waste Heat Generation

  17. 浮法玻璃烟气脱硫及余热发电可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Float Glass FGD and Waste Heat Power Generation

  18. 余热发电工程中热力系统方案选择的研究

    Study of Scheme of Thermal System in Spare Thermal Power Plant

  19. 我国水泥窑余热发电技术

    Technology of Waste Heat Power Generation of Rotary Kiln in China

  20. 余热发电技术燃油管坯加热炉

    Waste-Heat Electric Power Generation Oil Heating Furnace for Aluminium Tube Stock

  21. 闪蒸技术在余热发电中的应用

    Application of Flashing Technology to the Power Generation by Waste Heat

  22. 纯低温余热发电技术在玻璃生产企业的应用

    Application about the technology of pure low-temperature cogeneration in glass industry

  23. 该模型在低温余热发电工程中具有推广价值。

    This model is worth of popularization in electrical engineering .

  24. 水泥窑烟气余热发电研究

    Study of Waste Heat Generating Electricity of Smoke Gas in Cement Mill

  25. 余热发电机组汽轮机断轴的修复

    Repairing of the Breaking Axis of the Surplus Heat Power Generator Turbine

  26. 浅谈闪蒸器在余热发电系统中的应用

    The Application of Flash Evaporator in Waste Heat Generating System

  27. 基于有机朗肯循环的柴油机废气余热发电系统研究

    Diesel Engine Waste Gas Heat Generation Research Based on Organic Rankine Cycle

  28. 低温余热发电模型研究

    Study of the Model for Low Temperature Waste Heat Generating

  29. 纯低温余热发电的动力利用分析

    Analysis on pure cryogenic residual heat power generation dynamic utilization

  30. 30MVA密闭电石炉余热发电论述

    Discussion on cogeneration of 30 MVA hermetic calcium carbide furnace