
  1. 为此,余本作过许多尝试,也拿起过毛笔在宣纸上画中国水墨画。

    In order to do so , Yee had continuously attempted , such as drawing ink painting on rice paper by using Chinese calligraphic pens .

  2. 2013年,它们购买了16000余本外国图书的版权,其中将近5500本来自美国,与10年前的购买量相比增加了一倍还多。

    In 2013 , they bought the rights to more than 16,000 foreign books , including nearly 5,500 from America , more than double the number purchased a decade earlier .

  3. 生长冗余本是生物适应波动环境的一种生态对策,以便增大稳定性,减小绝种的风险。

    Essentially , the tediousness in growth is an ecological strategy of an organism to adapt itself to the fluctuating environment , increasing the stability of reproduction and decreasing the risk of extinction .

  4. 而罗琳的《哈利波特》系列在全世界已卖出了4亿余本,成为了儿童文学史上的一座高峰,在此之前也曾数次遭到出版商的拒绝。

    But Rowling also saw Harry Potter turned down several times before the boy wizard became one of the greatest phenomena in children 's literature , with sales of more than 400m copies worldwide .

  5. 面对中国新社会的变迁下,余本全心投入了油画的创作,力图探索出一种富于时代感,而又有著东方风格的油画艺术。

    Lot Notes Entering the era of the new China , painter Yee Bon delved anew into creating works in oil and began searching for style with a modern zeitgeist but also tinged with an eastern flavor .