
  • 网络Chongqing Evening News
  1. 据《重庆晚报》报道,零点研究咨询集团日前发布的中国城市系列调查显示,上海是中国最性感的城市。

    A serial survey on Chinese cities issued by Horizon Research Consultancy Group showed Shanghai is the sexist city in China , Chongqing Evening News reported .

  2. 古鸽是一种搜索隐禽在中国濒临灭绝,上周六出版的《重庆晚报》上的一篇文章这么写道。

    The ancient dove ' is an invisible searching bird ... which faces extinction in China , according to the article in Saturday 's Chongqing Evening News .

  3. 据《重庆晚报》消息,一条连接重庆和欧洲主要城市的铁路将于本月正式全线开通。

    A railway that connects Chongqing and major cities in Europe will begin operations this month , Chongqing Evening News reports .

  4. 他们(重庆晚报)已经习惯报道有卖点的东西,北京某报编辑表示。

    They [ the Chongqing paper ] have grown accustomed to ... printing what sells , said a Beijing newspaper editor .

  5. 据《重庆晚报》报道,一位28岁的重庆女子最终无法忍受男友而选择“离家出走”。

    A28-year-old woman in Chongqing finally couldn 't stand it anymore and " ran away from home ", Chongqing Evening News reported .

  6. 据《重庆晚报》报道,重庆某一高档楼盘内的住房被曝出现严重质量问题。

    Apartments in a high-end development in Chongqing have severe quality problems , according to a report in the Chongqing Evening News .

  7. 据《重庆晚报》报道,重庆警方近日抓获了通过做亲密动作分散公交车乘客注意力来盗取乘客钱财的三对情侣。

    Chongqing police have detained three couples who had been robbing bus passengers after distracting them with displays of intimacy , the Chongqing Evening News reported .

  8. 据《重庆晚报》报道,重庆卫视已停播商业广告,将在原有广告时段播出城市形象宣传片和公益广告。

    Chongqing Satellite TV has stopped commercial advertisements and will use the airtime to broadcast promotional films and public service announcements , Chongqing Evening News reported .

  9. 据《重庆晚报》报道,他已被送往了附近的医院,随后转移到了重症监护室,直至10月8日才出来。

    He was sent to the nearest hospital and later transferred to the ICU , where he remained as of Oct. 8 , Chongqing Evening News reported .

  10. 据《重庆晚报》报道,这位姓杜的男子表示,那天他和一群朋友在鸡公山上徒步旅行。

    The Chinese man , surnamed Du , said he was hiking with a group of friends in Jigong mountain on that day , according to Chongqing Evening News .

  11. 《重庆晚报》今日报道了这样一件新闻:今年27岁的怀孕妇女李春晓,由于担忧成为孩奴,被诊断得了抑郁症。

    Chongqing Evening News recently ran a story about Li Chunxiao , a27 year-old pregnant woman who was diagnosed with depression brought on by the fear of becoming a'child slave .

  12. 根据《重庆晚报》报道,重庆对外贸易和经济关系委员会在市政府官网上宣布,在上海迪士尼乐园修建之前,迪士尼公司就已经明确了他们在中国中部和西部的新乐园规划蓝图。

    Before the construction of the Shanghai Disney Resort , the Disney Group has clarified in its agenda a blueprint for a new theme park in central and western China , said the municipality 's foreign trade and economic relations commission on the municipality government website , Chongqing Evening News reported .