
  • 网络heavy water moderator
  1. 采用重水慢化剂和增大输出功率的需求决定了压力管式堆芯结构的设计方案。

    The use of heavy water moderator and the need for large power output determined the choice of a channel type configuration .

  2. 这种堆的设计概念的基本出发点是使用天然铀燃料,这一选择决定了其它几个有利的选择,例如采用重水慢化剂、不停堆换料以及计算机控制。

    The fundamental starting point of the concept is the use of natural uranium fuel . This choice determined several other positive choices , such as heavy water moderator , on power fuelling , and computer control .

  3. CANDU6型重水堆机组的最大的两个特点就是:一是重水作为中子慢化剂和一回路的冷却剂;

    It has two characteristic : 1 . heavy water & as moderator and coolant ;