
  1. He同位素原子与HBr分子碰撞的微分截面

    Differential cross sections for collisions between He isotope atoms and HBr molecules

  2. 本文研究了多模激光场与同位素原子体系相互作用动力学问题。

    The interaction between multimode laser fields and isotopic atoms is investigated ;

  3. 脉冲激光场选择性光电离同位素原子

    Selective photoionization of isotopic atoms with pulsed lasers

  4. 非单色激光场与同位素原子体系相互作用

    Interaction between NONMONOCHROMATIC laser and isotopic atoms

  5. 地球上氧、氮同位素原子要比太阳风中发现的重得多。

    We 've got more of the heavier versions of these atoms than our Sun does .

  6. 同位素原子的扩散几率与蒸发几率成正比。

    The probability of diffusion of isotope atoms is in direct proportion to its probability of evaporation .

  7. 分析了激光线宽对同位素原子激发电离效率和选择性因子的影响。

    We have studied the influence of laser linewidth on ionized efficiency and selectivity of isotopic atoms .

  8. 在氢同位素原子核中的某些熔合过程中,会释放出高能中子。

    In certain fusion processes , among nuclei of the hydrogen isotopes , neutrons of high energy are liberated .

  9. 基于核运动效应下的H同位素双原子分子的解析势能函数

    Analytic Potential Energy Functions for Hydrogen Isotopic Diatomic Molecules Based on Nuclear Effect

  10. 同位素铷原子的超精细法拉第共振效应研究

    Study of Faraday Resonant Effect of A Natural Mixture of Two Rubidium Isotopes

  11. 氢同位素双原子分子的解析势能函数

    Analytic Potential Energy Functions for Hydrogen Isotopic Molecules

  12. 铀的同位素,原子质量数为,能进行持续的连锁反应。

    A uranium isotope with mass number 235 ; capable of sustaining chain reactions .

  13. 排列通道的量子力学&Ⅱ、氢同位素多原子分子结构的研究

    Arrangement channel quantum mechanics ii , the study on the molecular structure for polyatomic hydrogen isotope molecules

  14. 用屏栅电离室方法对混合α样品内4种同位素的原子数进行了测量。

    Atom numbers of the isotopes of a compound α source are measured by using a gridded ionization chamber ( GIC ) .

  15. 具有放射性的钴的同位素,原子质量数为,一种能量极高的伽马放射源,用于放射疗法。

    A radioactive isotope of cobalt with mass number 60 ; a source of exceptionally intense gamma rays ; used in radiation therapy .

  16. 锶的放射性同位素(原子质量数为),存在于核爆炸的原子尘中,能象钙一样被吸收到骨中。

    A radioactive isotope of strontium ( with the mass number 90 ) that is present in the fallout from nuclear explosions ; can be assimilated like calcium into bones .

  17. 每一次萃取后,我们把得到的气体纯化,再将氙通入霍恩柏格的质谱仪,测量出其中所含各种同位素的原子数量。

    After each extraction , we purified the resulting gas and passed the xenon into Hohenberg 's mass spectrometer , which indicated the number of atoms of each isotope present .

  18. 为了有效地利用同位素研究钆原子的光谱特性。

    The spectral characteristics of Gd were studied to more effectively use Gd isotopes .

  19. 每个元素至少有一个同位素不稳定原子核可以进行放射性衰变。

    Each element has at least one isotope with unstable nuclei that can undergo radioactive decay .

  20. 粒子间的碰撞主要考虑同位素离子和原子间的共振电荷转移,用碰撞截面来处理。

    The collisions between particles mainly considered charge exchanges between isotopic ions and atoms , which were treated by using cross section .

  21. 激光原子法同位素分离中三维原子分布函数的计算

    Calculation of 3-D atom 's distribution function in atomic vapor laser isotope separation

  22. 用放射性同位素或不寻常质量的同位素使元素或原子显示运动踪迹。

    Distinguish ( an element or atom ) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions .

  23. 后来发现天然氧中含有少量的比丰度最大的同位素稍重的另外两种同位素,于是16便代表自然界存在的氧的三种同位素原子质量的平均值。

    Oxygen , however , contains small amounts of two isotopes that are heavier than the most abundant one , and16 is actually a weighted average of the masses of the three isotopes of oxygen .