
  • 网络Sync;sync pulse;clock
  1. 彩色同步脉冲基底电平

    Colour burst pedestal horizontal sync potentiometer

  2. 对于显示信号处理器来说,寻找同步脉冲一直都是一项十分重要的工作。

    Looking for the sync PULSE has always been one of the " trickiest " of tasks for the DISPLAY signal PROCESSor .

  3. 基于嵌入式技术的B码信号中同步脉冲提取方法的研究

    Drawing of Synchronous Pulse in IRIG-B Code based on Embedded Technology

  4. CARS系统同步脉冲控制研究

    Research on Synchronized Function of CARS System

  5. 应用自行研制的时序控制器,用于CARS系统激光发射和数采系统同步脉冲控制。

    The synthesized function generator developed by ourselves is used to control the laser fire and the data acquisition .

  6. 模式应答信息包括前同步脉冲与PPM调制数据。

    The S mode reply information includes pre-synchronization pulse and PPM original data .

  7. PAL制色同步脉冲的频谱分析

    Spectrum Analysis of Burst Gating Pulse under PAL System

  8. PIV测速中实时可调同步脉冲光照系统的设计与应用

    Design of Adjustable , Synchronous Pulse Illumination System and Its Application to Particle Image Velocimetry

  9. 脉冲耦合神经网络(PulseCoupledNeuralNetwork,PCNN)是根据对动物的大脑视觉皮层同步脉冲发放所获得的实验结果。

    The Pulse Coupled Neural Network ( PCNN ) was experiment result which obtained to explain the synchronous burst of the neurons in the animals ' visual cortex .

  10. 报告了高功率Z-pinch装置中的多路纳秒延时同步脉冲产生及传输系统的设计和实验结果。

    This paper describes the generation and transmission and experimental results of multiplex nanosecond delay pulse on a high power Z-pinch facility .

  11. 本文主要介绍了一种以高精度可编程延迟芯片(PDC)为核心的纳秒延时同步脉冲产生器的基本原理及其测试结果。

    The core of the instrument is a high-programmable delay chip ( PDC ) . The paper describes the basal principle and the test result of output signal of the instrument .

  12. 脉冲耦合神经网络(PulseCoupledNeuralNetwork,简称PCNN)是一种单层、无需训练的新型神经网络,它模拟了哺乳动物视觉皮层系统的同步脉冲振荡现象,是第三代神经网络。

    Pulse Coupled Neural Network ( PCNN ) is a novel neural network with single layer and no training . It emulates the synchronous pulse oscillation phenomenon found in mammals ' visual cortex system . It is called the third generation neural network .

  13. 根据GPS和IMU信号的特点,在IMU不提供同步脉冲信号并且不改变它们各自结构的前提下,设计并研制了基于CPLD的同步电路。

    According to the characteristics of the output signals of the IMU and the GPS , without the IMU synchronization signal , the synchronization circuit based on CPLD is designed and developed , which need not alter the configurations of the IMU and GPS .

  14. 同步脉冲在声光显示图板控制电路中的应用

    Synchronizing Impulses Used in Graph Plate for Sound Playing and Light Displaying

  15. 新型同步脉冲电源设计

    The design of a new pattern synchronous pulse power source

  16. 纳秒延时同步脉冲产生器的设计与实现

    Design and realization of nanosecond digital delay and pulse generator

  17. 船用雷达同步脉冲延时量的探讨

    Further discussion on trigger delay time of marine radar

  18. 工作时,刺激和采集受同步脉冲控制。

    Both stimulus generator and data acquisition system are controlled by synchronal pulse .

  19. 多路纳秒延时同步脉冲的产生与传输

    Generation and Transmission of Multiplex Nanosecond Delay Pulse

  20. 本文叙述了利用电视同步脉冲讯号对我台铷钟进行时间同步工作的结果;

    In this paper , the results of time synchronism with TV are discussed .

  21. 场同步脉冲的一种形成方式

    A formation way of field synchronizing pulse

  22. 同步脉冲泵浦下信号脉冲整形的研究

    A study of the shaping of signal pulse under the condition of a synchronous pulse pump

  23. 同步脉冲是控制录音机播放的解说词和图板显示同步的关键。

    Synchronizing impulse is the key to synchronize sound playing with light displaying of graph plate .

  24. 导频色同步脉冲相位调整

    Pilot burst phase adjustment

  25. 在录象技术中,放象系统与外同步脉冲处于同步的一种状态。

    In video recording , a state in which the playback system is in synchronism with the external synchronizing pulses .

  26. 位置检测,速度检测,同步脉冲形成等全部用数字电路实现,实验结果表明。

    Position detecting , speed detecting , the formation of synchronizing pulse and so on are effected all by digital circuits .

  27. 为了产生同步脉冲信号,采用了锁相环技术,使触发脉冲与电源电压之间保持频率和相位的协调关系。

    In order to produce the pulse signals in-phase , the phase-lock link technology is adopted to keep in-phase between the trigger pulse and the supply voltage .

  28. 根据视频处理通道中的直流电平恢复电路的性能,部分或全部的同步脉冲不会从绿色通道中移除。

    Depending on the performance characteristics of the DC restoration circuitry within the video processing channel , some or all of the sync pulse may not be removed from the green channel .

  29. 从同步脉冲干扰的基本原理出发,阐明在雷达工作环境仿真系统中距离拖引、速度拖引、虚假目标等同步脉冲有源干扰的设计和实施过程;

    Based on the sync pulse jamming principles , it also describes how to design and implement sync pulse active jammings , such as the range pull-off , velocity pull-off and false targets .

  30. 通过求解航迹信息融合的状态估计值,实时形成同步脉冲控制逻辑,从而实现对激光多目标的实时跟踪和激光信号的实时提取。

    The synchronous-pulse-control logic in real time is formed by solving esti - mated tracking data fusion parameters to implement the real time tracking of multi-laser-target and the real time picking of multi-laser signals .