
  • 网络penetrant inspection;penetrant testing;penetration test;FPI
  1. 渗透探伤中金属价电子对渗透作用的影响

    Effect of valence electron of metal on penetrating action in penetrant testing

  2. 重力场对渗透探伤影响的商榷

    Discussion on the influence of gravity field on penetrant testing

  3. HD系列着色渗透探伤剂

    Series HD dye penetrating inspection agent

  4. φ1600mm灭菌釜渗透探伤工艺

    Penetrant Testing Techniques for φ 1600 mm Sterilization Kettle

  5. 经WSI模拟5G位置TIG焊测试,INCONEL52M的TIG焊缝完全通过液体渗透探伤(LP)和超声波探伤(UT),未发现任何缺陷。

    Simulated by WSI at 5G position , the INCONEL 52M TIG weld passed Liquid Penetrant inspection ( LP ) and Ultrasonic test ( UT ) thoroughly , no any defects observed .

  6. 奥氏体焊缝渗透探伤与可靠性措施

    Liquid penetrant test for austenite weld joint and the reliable measures

  7. 水洗性荧光渗透探伤法透水模板布几何参数对透排水性能的影响

    Permeability performance of controlled permeable formwork liner influenced by geometric parameters

  8. 在用压力容器渗透探伤及表面漆层去除方法

    Penetrant Inspection of Pressure Containers and their Surface Paint Coating Removal

  9. 渗透探伤在锅炉压力容器检验中的应用

    Usage of Liquid Penetrating Test in Boiler Pressure Vessels Inspection

  10. 渗透探伤在吊环检测中的应用

    Application of Penetrate Inspection in the Flying Ring Detection

  11. 着色渗透探伤剂在瓷件检测中的应用

    Osmos Agent Used for Flaw Detection of Porcelain Insulator

  12. 后乳化性着色渗透探伤法对已完成的焊缝进行着色渗透检测。

    Post emulsifiable dye penetrant testing method Dye penetrant examination of the completed weld .

  13. 关于渗透探伤四个基础理论问题的讨论

    A discussion on the matters in penetrant testing

  14. 锅炉压力容器的渗透探伤检验

    The penetrant testing of Boiler pressure container

  15. 快速渗透探伤技术的试验研究

    Study on quick penetrant inspection technique

  16. 后乳化性荧光渗透探伤法

    Post emulsifiable fluorescent penetrant testing method

  17. 水洗性荧光渗透探伤法斯皮兰渗透性试验仪

    Water washable fluorescent penetrate testing method

  18. 溶剂去除着色渗透探伤法

    Solvent removable dye penetrant testing method

  19. 在使用高合金钢或无铁材料时,可用渗透探伤进行检测。

    In case of high alloy steel or nonferrous materials , liquid penetrate method can be substituted .

  20. 提高在役低温液氧容器表面渗透探伤灵敏度的尝试

    An attempt to improve the sensitivity of penetrant testing of the in-service vessels for cryogenic liquid oxygen

  21. 对焊后内部陷缺建议采用超声波检测,对表面缺陷检测采用渗透探伤。

    It is advised to use ultrasonic detection to test inner defects and osmosis testing to surface defects after welding .

  22. GB/T9443-1988铸钢件渗透探伤及缺陷显示迹痕的评级方法对已完成的焊缝进行着色渗透检测。

    Methods of liquid penetrant testing and classification of indication for steel castings Dye penetrant examination of the completed weld .

  23. 较详细地介绍了屏蔽电动机工件渗透探伤清洗技术及其注意事项。

    This paper explains in details the ablution technology of penetration inspection for workpieces of canned motors and its noticing items .

  24. 如果射线检测不可行,必须考虑超声波、磁粉或液体渗透探伤,且按照此顺序进行。

    If this is not possible , ultrasonic , magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination must be considered , in that order .

  25. 结果显示,表面渗透探伤法能准确确定连轧坯和轧后钢板表面缺陷的位置。与酸浸法相比,表面渗透法更加直观、准确。

    The results show that the defaults places can be exactly determined by penetrant method which is more visual and accurate than acid leaching method .

  26. 打底焊缝正面使用渗透探伤剂探伤,用表面裂纹率表示裂纹的数量。

    Penetrant flaw detection agent was used to detect the backing weld surface , and the number of cracks was indicated by surface crack rate .

  27. 该文从相关标准规范的角度,对于建筑钢结构焊缝无损探伤检验中普遍采用的超声波探伤、射线探伤、磁粉探伤及渗透探伤等方法进行较全面系统的介绍。

    From the view of interrelated standards points , the author introduces some usual methods for nondestructive inspection including ultrasonic inspection , ray inspection , magnetic particle inspection and penetrant inspection .

  28. 从分子间作用力观点,阐述了金属渗透探伤过程中渗透液分子极性对金属固体润湿接触角和毛细管现象的影响。

    The effect of penetration liquid molecular polar on metal solid wetting contact angle and capillary phenomenon in penetrant testing of metal part is discussed from the view of intermolecular interaction force .

  29. 在介绍焊缝渗透探伤的基本探伤原理、方法及测试步骤的基础上,给出预应力砼管桩接桩焊缝的质量评定标准,并建议在管桩的施工中渗透探伤法可作为质量控制的常规检验手段。

    Based on the introduction of principle and method in infiltration test of welding line , the standard is put forward for quality evaluation of joint construction in prestressed concrete pipe pile .

  30. 本文用两种新方法:数字二次云纹法和渗透探伤法,进行裂纹端部损伤区的实验研究。

    In this paper , two new experimental techniques , penetrating method and digital secondary moire method , are developed and used to detect the damage zones near crack tips in solid propellant .