
  • 网络penetration drying;Penetrating Drying;osmotic drying
  1. 纸张表面墨膜蒸发与渗透干燥的耦合建模

    A coupled model of penetration and evaporation for ink film drying on plain paper

  2. 通过正交试验和平行组对比试验,探究了添加硅灰、聚丙烯纤维对其强度、抗氯离子渗透和干燥收缩性能的作用,分析了复合的叠加作用和优化机理,为工程实际应用提供参考。

    Through the orthogonal experiment and parallel group comparison test . Silica fume and polypropylene fiber has influence on concrete strength , chloride-permeation behavior and drying shrinkage behavior , then analysising the superposition effect and optimization mechanism to provide reference for practical engineering application .

  3. PEF技术主要应用于生化杀菌、酶钝化处理及榨汁、果蔬渗透脱水和干燥的前处理。

    PEF technology is mainly used in the process of bio-chemical sterilization , enzyme passivation and the pre-treatment of juice extra , osmotic dehydration and drying of fruits and vegetables .

  4. 渗透后微波干燥的胡萝卜片复水性比渗透后热风干燥的胡萝卜片好;

    It was carried both osmotic pretreatment combined microwave drying and hot air drying of carrots .

  5. 研究结果表明,PEF预处理可提高果蔬渗透脱水和热风干燥的速率,节约能耗,且对产品品质影响较小。

    The literal results showed that PEF pre-treatment induced higher osmotic dehydration rate and drying rate of fruits and vegetables , less energy consumption and a little undesired influence on the qualities of products .

  6. 胡萝卜渗透脱水和微波干燥组合试验研究

    The Research of Osmotic Pre-treatment Combined Microwave Dehydration of Carrots

  7. 蓝莓渗透脱水和流化床干燥过程中理化指标变化的研究

    Study on Physico-chemical Changes of Blueberries during Osmotic Dehydration and Fluidized Bed Drying Processes

  8. 经测试去污率超过85%,且具有去污力强、渗透力强、干燥时间短、安全性高、对地毯无腐蚀、抗静电与抗再沉淀性好、成本低廉,使用方便的特点。

    The tests demonstrated that the product features as follows : cleaning ratio over 85 % , strong cleaning and penetration powers , short drying time , high safety , no corrosion to the carpets , good antistatic and anti-reprecipitation properties , low cost , and convenient use .