
  • 网络Chromizing
  1. CeO2改性的渗铬涂层及氧化性能研究

    Microstructural characterization and oxidation performance of a novel ceo_2-modified chromizing coating

  2. 粉末渗铬DAL新法及渗铬层组织结构分析

    New DAL Chromizing Process and Structure Analysis of Chromizing Layers

  3. Al2O3改性的渗铬涂层制备与氧化性能研究

    Preparation and Oxidation Performance of an-Al_2O_3-Modified Chromizing Coating

  4. 渗铬、渗铝Ni3Al金属间化合物的耐高温热腐蚀性能

    High Temperature Hot Corrosion Behaviour of Chromized and Aluminized Ni_3Al Intermetallic Compounds

  5. 在50钢表面进行等离子渗铬,形成表面高Cr合金层,再进行等离子超饱和渗碳、淬火及回火热处理,获得表面高性能强化层。

    The Cr was permeated into the surface of 50 steel forming high Cr alloying layer . Surface high-performance intensifying layer was achieved by supersaturated carburization , quenching and tempering treatments .

  6. 结果发现,以渗铬层为基底在600~900℃之间进行CVD金刚石薄膜沉积后,渗铬层的铬碳化合物层和铬扩散层的厚度都增加了;

    The results show that after deposition of diamond between 600 ℃ and 900 ℃, the thick of chromium-carbon compounds layers and chromizing layers increase ;

  7. 使用OM、SEM、XRD等方法研究了不同预先热处理工艺对45钢的低温盐浴渗铬渗层的影响。

    The characteristics of the chromized layer of steel 45 after low temperature salt-bath chromizing with different pre-heat treatments were investigated using OM , SEM , XRD .

  8. T12钢盐浴渗铬工艺对渗层组织和性能的影响

    Effect of salt-bath chromizing process on microstructure and properties of chromized layer

  9. 对比研究了该复合镀层与粗晶Ni(平均晶粒尺寸约为30μm)在700℃扩散渗铬5h后的渗层结构。

    Then the Ni-CeO2 composite and a coarse-grained Ni ( mean grain size 30 m ) were chromized by pack cementation at 700 ℃ for 5 h.

  10. 表面渗铬T8钢中碳迁移的热力学分析

    Thermodynamic Analysis of Carbon Migration during T 8 Steel during Plasma Surface Chromizing

  11. 利用优选出的膏剂对45钢进行膏剂离子渗铬,在950℃×2h条件下,可获得140μm厚的渗层。

    After paste ion chromizing under the condition of 950 ℃× 2h , the depth of chromized layer of steel 45 can reach 140 μ m.

  12. 采用双辉等离子渗铬技术,对T8钢进行了900℃温度表面渗铬合金化;

    Surface chromizing at900 ℃ of T8 steel was studied using double glow plasma alloying process .

  13. 而且经4h等离子渗铬及后续热处理后,材料的拉伸强度提高更显著。

    At the same time the tensile strength of steel was improved more obviously through plasma Cr permeation for 4 h and subsequent heat treatment .

  14. 对T10钢样品经700℃表面盐浴渗铬后进行了重新加热处理。

    The T10 steel specimens were reheated after they were chromized in salt bath at700 ℃ .

  15. 笔者采用粉末渗铬DAL新法及渗铬层组织结构分析一文中介绍的工艺,对钢铁材料进行了渗铬处理,研究了渗铬层的性能。

    This paper studies the properties of chromized steel specimens , which are treated by using the technology recommended in References .

  16. 用热丝化学气相沉积设备研究了钢渗铬层、P-Si(100)基片和三氧化二铝基底表面形成的球形金刚石。

    Ball-like diamond deposited on the chromized layer , P-Si ( 100 ) and Al2O3 substrates has been investigated using the hot-filament chemical vapor deposition equipment .

  17. 采用正交实验方法优化T12钢的低温盐浴渗铬工艺。

    In order to find the optimum technology of low temperature salt-bath chromizing process of T12 steel , the method of orthogonal test was used .

  18. 低温复合盐浴渗铬能获得的化合物中存在亚微米的CrN团聚区域和CrN纳米晶团聚区域,CrN晶粒内缺陷较少。

    There are some sub-micron CrN clustered areas and nano & crystalline CrN clustered areas in the low-temperature composite chromized layers , and fewer defects exist in the CrN grains .

  19. 研究了熔盐被覆铬碳化物的工艺过程,着重探讨了稀土对T12A钢熔盐渗铬的催渗及微合金化作用机理。

    This paper deals with the salt bath chromizing techniques and the effect of RE as a catalytic agent in salt bath on T12A steel chromizing technique , layer microalloying , structure and properties .

  20. 铸渗铬合金层组织特征分析

    Analysis on the Microstructure Characters of the Cast - Chromized Layer

  21. 45钢低温盐浴渗铬工艺的研究

    Study on Low Temperature Salt Bath Chromizing Process of 45 Steel

  22. 分析了渗铬改性层的表观形貌和相结构,测量了渗铬改性层的成分。

    The surface micrographs and phase structure in chromizing layer were analyzed .

  23. 铸铁渗铬层形成机理的研究

    The Study on Forming Mechanism of Gray Iron Cast - chromized Layer

  24. 中性盐浴渗铬新工艺的研究

    Researches on New Technology of Chromizing with Neutral Salt Bath

  25. 薄壁铸件铸渗铬的工艺试验

    Technology Test of Oozing Chromium Element to Thin Wall Castings

  26. 等离子渗铬及复合强化处理提高耐磨性能的研究

    Study on Improving Wear-resistance of Steel by Plasma Chromizing and Compound Strengthening

  27. 利用普通离子渗氮炉进行了膏剂离子渗铬。

    Paste ion chromizing by ion nitriding furnace was introduced .

  28. 这种现象是渗铬试样具有特殊钝性的反映。

    A precedence phenomenon was observed in all chromized layer .

  29. 钢的离子渗铬层组织及表面应力研究

    Morphology and surface stress of ionic chromizing coating of steel

  30. 铸铁表面渗铬层形成过程

    Forming Process of Cast - Chromized Layer on the Surface of Gray Iron