
  • 网络Leakage treatment;percolation treatment
  1. 600MW机组主变压器油箱渗漏处理

    Treatment of main transformer oil reservoir leakage in 600 MW unit

  2. 小型水库涵、卧管渗漏处理

    Management of Seepage by Culvert and Horizontal Pipes in Small Reservoirs

  3. 南昌电厂1灰坝渗漏处理的设计探讨

    Design of 1 # Ash-dam Leakage Handling of a Power Plant

  4. 水厂结构工程的满水试验与渗漏处理

    Full water test and seepage treatment in water plant structure project

  5. 大型厂房屋面排水与渗漏处理浅议

    The drainage and seepage treatment of roofage for large scale workshops

  6. 花山水库发电引水管渗漏处理权力的概念、产生和制约

    Seepage Treatment Of Diversion Pipe For Power Generation In Huashan Reservoir

  7. 水工混凝土建筑物渗漏处理技木探讨

    Probe into the Techniques for Treating the Leakage of Hydraulic Concrete Buildings

  8. 沙湾水厂工程的防水措施与渗漏处理

    Waterproofing measures and leak treatment in Shawan water plant project

  9. 某水电站安装间结构缝渗漏处理设计

    Structural Joint Seepage Treatment for Erection Bay of Hydropower Station

  10. 土石坝坝体的渗漏处理

    Solutions to the problem of leakage in the rock-filled dam

  11. 闸阀阀杆密封填料渗漏处理

    Leakage treatment to sealing packing in gate valve stem

  12. 锅炉烟管胀口处的渗漏处理与预防

    Treatment of Leakage at Expanding Joints of Flue Duct of Boiler and its Prevention

  13. 某续建工程地下室大面积渗漏处理技术

    Leakage treatment of basement of a renewed project

  14. 新型防挡水材料在隧洞渗漏处理中的应用

    Application of Waterproofing Material in Tunnel Leakage Treatment

  15. XD&103防水复合柔毡在水库渗漏处理中的应用

    Application of XD-103 water proof compound ductile blanket in dealing with the reservoir seepage

  16. 小浪底水利枢纽工程左岸山体渗漏处理监测分析

    Monitoring Analysis for Anti-Seepage Treatment on the Left Bank Mountain of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project

  17. 堵排结合在工程渗漏处理中的应用

    The applicant of " combine caulking with draining " in the treatment of engineering leakage

  18. 刚性防水屋面渗漏处理

    The Leakproof Treatment of Rigid Waterproof Roofing

  19. 黄河水院水利馆循环水系统地下水库渗漏处理

    The Seepage and Transaction of an Underground Reservoir of Circulating Water System of a Water Conservancy Shop

  20. 某旧住宅楼阳台新修塑料地漏时防渗漏处理

    Treatment of Preventing Leakage When Some New Plastic Floor Drains are Built in the Balconies of Some Old House

  21. 加以人为控制的防渗漏处理能减少田间水分的渗漏,达到节水目的,在红壤丘岗区稻田具有可行性;

    Implementing waterproof measurements would decrease the leakage amount of water , and those measurements are practicable in red hilly region .

  22. 三峡永久船闸地面工程结构缝渗漏处理分析

    Seepage treatment of and analysis on structural joints in the ground project of the Permanent Ship Lock for the Three Gorges Project

  23. 裂缝和漏水表明房子的施工质量不好。某水电站安装间结构缝渗漏处理设计

    Cracks and leaks are signs of poor construction in a house . Structural Joint Seepage Treatment for Erection Bay of Hydropower Station

  24. 利用桶栽试验,研究了在不同灌溉方式及不同蒸发渗漏处理下的水稻需水量和对水稻生长的影响。

    The water requirement and growth in paddy rice were studied under four different irrigation methods and different evaporation and seepage with pot culture .

  25. 根据地质钻探及物理探测分析,采用水泥黏土灌浆进行防渗漏处理,取得了较好的效果。

    According to geological drilling and physical detection , grouting with cement clayey soil shall be used for seepage treatment and shows a good result .

  26. 因此一般采用上游坝面铺设复合土工膜和坝基垂直防渗措施进行防渗漏处理。

    A combined measure of paving compound film on the upstream surface of dam and setting up vertical anti-seepage in dam foundation is adopted to treat leakage .

  27. 病害加固措施包括结构变形处理、地基渗漏处理、上下游消能防冲设施破坏的处理、闸门及其启闭设备的维护加固、混凝土表面劣化处理等方面。

    The reinforcement aims at the structure distortion , basement leakage , destruction of the establishments , maintenance of sluices and their opening and closing equipment , concrete surface cracking , etc.

  28. 包钢尾矿工程85m浓缩池管廊渗漏水处理

    Leakage water treatment of underground pipe gallery in 85m concentrating pool at Baotou Steel Tailing Project

  29. 现浇泡沫混凝土隔热层屋面渗漏的处理

    Seepage remedy of roof insulation made up of cast-in-situ foamed concrete

  30. 全陶瓷纤维衬里加热炉油管渗漏的处理

    Treatment on Leak in Oil Pipe of Heater with Ceramic Fibre Liner