- 名osmotic pressure receptor

Thus , the amiloride-sensitive PPK28 channel may serve as the osmolarity sensor for gustatory water reception in the fruit fly .
Stimulation of the brain osmoreceptor attenuates the sensitivity of TUBULO-GLOMERULAR feedback in rats
Role of the hypophysis in the renal responses upon stimulation of the brain osmoreceptor
The effects of stimulation of the brain osmoreceptor on the tubular reabsorption of sodium , chloride and potassium in rats
Serum sodium concentration is regulared by the interaction between the osmoreceptor and the baroreceptor and also regulared by the central nervous system and neurohormonal system , in which the sense of thirst and vasopressin are the most important factors .
This is the first time to find the osmotic stress receptors in bacteria , and the resilience of the molecular mechanism of receptor regulation . This article offers important theoretical basis which interpret the stress resistance molecular mechanisms of micro-organisms who living in extreme environmental .