
  • 网络effusive pericarditis
  1. 目的探讨渗出性心包炎的病因诊断及心包切除指征。

    Objective To review aetiological diagnosis and operative indications of effusive pericarditis in children .

  2. 渗出性心包炎患者血浆和心包液中AM浓度的测定

    Measurement of Plasma and Pericardial Fluid Adrenomedullin Concentrations in Patients with Pericarditis with Effusion

  3. 老年慢性特发渗出性心包炎一例报告

    A case report of elderly chronic pericardial effusion

  4. 渗出性心包炎虽有心胸比值缩小显著、但与其心腔内径变化不相关。

    Although patients with exudative pericarditis showed remarkable reduction in cardiac shadow , they did not have any remarkable change in their cardiac chambers .

  5. 目的研究心包腔内尿激酶灌洗结合心包引流能否预防感染渗出性心包炎患者心包缩窄的发生。

    Objective The overall survival of patients with infections exudative pericarditis continues to be extremely poor due to high incidence of complicated pericardial constriction which can not be sufficiently prevented by conventional therapy .