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  1. 表明CTD各组均有限制性通气功能障碍和换气功能障碍。

    All these showed that all of CTD groups had restrictive ventilation dysfunction and air exchange dysfunction .

  2. 肺水肿、肺萎陷以及换气功能障碍与肺泡表面活性物质(Pulmonarysurfactant,PS)减少有着密切关系。

    Pneumonedema , alveolar and dysfunction of gas exchange is closely related to the decrease of pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) . Pulmonary hemorrhage and pneumonedema are the significant pathological traits of pulmonary injury in blast injury .

  3. 对慢阻肺肺心病患者换气功能障碍的探讨

    Evaluation of Ventilatory Disturbances in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Cor Pulmonale

  4. 低肺功能患者术后换气及通气功能障碍较肺功能正常者显著(P<0.05)。结论肺癌术后3日换气功能明显减退,尤以氧合功能降低显著。

    Conclusion The gas exchange of the patients with lung caner reduced significantly in postoperative 3 days .