
huàn suàn xì shù
  • Conversion factor;scale factor;reduction coefficient
  1. 小偏心荷载作用下I形截面梁极限强度:推导新强度换算系数

    Ultimate Strength of I-Girders Under Eccentric Patch Loading : Derivation of a New Strength Reduction Coefficient

  2. 本文对换算系数(K)计算公式进行了讨论。

    The calculation formula of conversion coefficient ( K ) was d is cussed .

  3. K(αβ)为坡地直接辐射换算系数。

    K αβ the conversion coefficient of the direct solar radiation on the slopes .

  4. 索赔可以依照统一比例的手续费,或者损失换算系数(lossconversionfactors,LCF)。

    The claim can be either subject to the flat handling charge , or loss conversion factor ( LCF ) .

  5. 干法脱硫系统ESP换算系数的取值讨论

    Discussion on Value Adopted for Conversion Coefficient in Dry Process of Desulfurization System ESP

  6. 换算系数(K)的公式是否合理,直接影响出窿矿石铀含量的分析质量和矿石的分选质量。

    The rationality of the conversion coefficient ( K ) formula affects the analytical quality of uranium content of the ore from underground mining and the sorting quality .

  7. 结果表明,换算系数和REM仪响应与平均能量的关系,可用简单的函数表述。

    The results indicate that the relationship between average energy and conversion coefficient or REM meter responses can be described by simple functions .

  8. 本文讨论了FD-61K型自然伽玛测井仪的换算系数K′0,并确认换算系数K0应为115.6±3μR/h。

    The paper discusses the conversion coefficient K ′ _0 of model FD-61K natural gamma-ray logger and confirms the conversion coefficient K_0 of 115.6 ± 3 μ R / h.

  9. 国标GB/T15268桑蚕鲜茧中缫剩茧换算系数的分析

    Analysis on the Conversion Factors of Carry-over Cocoons of Fresh Mulberry Cocoons in the National Standard GB / T15268

  10. 通过对当量车换算系数(PCE)的分析和比较,得到了适用于快速货运通道规划设计的PCE推荐值。

    Through the analysis and comparison of passenger car equivalent ( PCE ), the suggesting PCE value applicable for rapid commodity transport passage plan design could be obtained .

  11. 关于FD-61K型自然伽玛测井仪换算系数的定值问题

    Determination of conversion coefficient of model fd-61k natural gamma-ray logger

  12. 采用计算机辅助几何设计的方法(CAGD法),对常用的输送粘液离心泵性能曲线换算系数实验曲线图进行计算机描绘;

    By method of Computer Aided Geometrical Design ( CAGD ), conversion coefficients curves of performance curve of centrifugal pump handling viscous liquid have been precisely plotted in computer .

  13. 因此,推荐用测定Na2O量并以求得的换算系数计算榴辉岩中绿辉石含量的化学物相分析方法。

    So a chemical phase analysis method based on determining Na 2O and calculating the conversion coefficient to obtain the omphacite content in eclogite was proposed .

  14. 提出了将计数电路和数据传输电路加装到FD-3019γ探管中的连接方案,并探讨了γ测井仪换算系数的含义、影响因素及其在γ测井中的作用。

    Suggestion on the connecting scheme is to put the counter and data transmission circuits into FD-3019 gamma ray probe . The meanings of the conversion coefficient of gamma ray logger , effect factors , and it 's function in gamma ray logging are also discussed .

  15. 基于仿真分析的高速公路车辆当量换算系数研究

    Study of Vehicle Equivalent Coefficients in Freeway Based on Simulation Analysis

  16. 七种农作物种子的中子注量&比释动能换算系数

    Neutron fluence-kerma conversion coefficients of seven kinds of crop seeds

  17. 车辆换算系数

    Determination of Vehicle-Equivalence On the Conversion Factor of Water Depth

  18. 关于铀矿山γ辐射取样换算系数确定方法的研讨

    Investigation on Determination of conversion factor in y-RADIATION sampling at uranium mine

  19. 干线公路交通量轴载换算系数的研究

    Study of exchanging coefficient of traffic volume in main-line Road

  20. 关于铁路旅客周转量换算系数的研究

    Study on the Conversion Factor of Railway Passenger Turnover

  21. 苎麻叶面积的换算系数

    The conversion coefficient for leaf area measure of Ramie

  22. 城市道路路段自行车换算系数研究

    Study of Bicycle Conversion Coefficient on Urban Road Section

  23. 尺寸和参数-管道螺纹,法兰,以及压力换算系数。

    Dimensions and References – Pipe Threads , Flanges , and Pressure Conversion Factors .

  24. 实测轴载谱道路当量轴载换算系数的确定

    Determination of Conversion Factor of Equivalent Axle Load Based on Axle Load Spectrum Measured

  25. 关于车辆当量换算系数的评价与研究

    The Evaluation and Study about Passenger CAR Equality

  26. 基本农田保护区耕地换算系数测算方法与应用

    Cultivated Land Conversion Coefficient Surveying Method in the Protected Basic Farmland Area and Its Application

  27. 对比标准试件立方体抗压强度和轴心抗压强度,得出二者之间的换算系数。

    Contrast to standard test cube compressive strength and axial compressive strength , drawing conversion factor .

  28. 在此研究的基础上,用概率的方法,推导出考虑车序等因素的车辆换算系数公式,从而可用车辆换算法计算信号交叉口的通行能力。

    Therefore , the capacity of signalized intersections could be calculated with the vehicle equivalent methods .

  29. 车辆换算系数车辆折算系数研究

    Study on vehicle conversion coefficients

  30. 一种方法称为换算系数法,另一种方法是等物质的量规则法。

    One is called conversion coefficient method , the other is quantity regulation method with equal matters .