
huàn chá
  • Crop rotation;change crops
换茬 [huàn chá]
  • [change of crops;rotate crops;crop rotation] 换种下一茬农作物;更新

  • 干部都换茬了,一个也不认识

  1. 研究还表明,通过复种轮作和水旱换茬,土壤有机质含量提高,达显著水平;

    The result also indicated that organic matter content in soil increased significantly after multiple cropping rotation and paddy upland rotation ;

  2. 经过多年试验研究,笔者认为可通过轮作换茬、增施有机肥、控制贮藏期间湿度及采用低毒、低残留杀菌剂在球茎贮藏之前进行浸球处理,能明显抑制或减轻腐烂病的发生。

    During many years trails , crops rotation , organic fertilizer promoting , storage humidity control and chemical treatment can evidently control the disease .

  3. 适期播种有利于提高稻麦周年的一些关键性投入的生产力,适当延迟稻麦换茬时间可以提高稻麦周年经济生产力。

    Appropriate sowing date helped improve productivity with respect to key inputs , while appropriately delayed crop rotation was awarding to annual economic productivity of rice and wheat .

  4. 在预测方程中考虑七类与黄毛鼠生存有关的生态因子,即繁殖指数,降雨量、相对湿度、平均温度、农时变化,作物换茬和季节变化。

    Seven ecological fac tors ( reproductive index , rainfall , relative humidity , even temperature , farming season , change of crop and seasonal variation ) were selected .

  5. 传统防治甘薯茎线虫病的方法主要有轮作换茬、药剂防治和选育抗病品种等,但因其高投入低效率和产生的环境问题而暴露出很大的局限性。

    Traditional control against D.destructor includes rotation , application of chemical pesticides and breeding resistant varieties , which has exposed significant limitations because of the low efficiency , high investment and environmental problems .

  6. 在上述工作基础上,还对茄黄萎病的防治方法进行了研究,比较了轮作换茬、药剂灌根、用野生茄嫁接及地膜覆盖土壤热处理几项措施对茄黄萎病的防治效果。

    Based on the above work , we researched the effect of several techniques of controlling eggplant verticillium wilt , such as crop rotation , chemical control , graft and soil healing treatment with covering plastic film on surface of soil .

  7. 必须实行有序高效模式自身水旱轮作,高效模式与传统耕作制度之间轮作换茬,使之动态优化,保持可持续发展。

    However , it must be pointed out that the high effective agricultural model itself needs the rotation of paddy and upland crops , and the rotation between high effective model and traditional cultivation system is essential in order to achieve sustainable development .

  8. 今天,建立科学轮作换茬制度仍是一项促进用地和养地协调、保持农田生态平衡、促进农业持续稳定增产的有效措施。

    Up to today , the scientific system of rotation is still a effective measure to make the use and the recuperation of farmland coordinately , to maintain the ecological balance of farmland , to bring a continue and steady increase in agriculture .

  9. 我国耕作制度独有的特点是以轮作换茬为基础的轮作制,轮作换茬是维持地力常新的基本手段,但是,随着现代农业的发展和农业技术水平的提高,连作也越来越普遍。

    The distinguished feature of Chinese farming system is crop rotation system . Crop rotation system is the basic skill of keeping the soil fertile , but as thedevelopment of modern farming and the improvement of farming technology , continuous cropping becomes more and more popular .