
  • 网络contractual operation right of farmland
  1. 加入WTO与农地承包经营权的流转

    The Entry of WTO and the Circulating of Contractual Operation Right of Rural Land

  2. 农地承包经营权的物权化研究

    A Study on the Right in Rem Regarding Farmland Contracted Operating Right

  3. 土地信托制度:农地承包经营权流转机制的创新

    Land Trust System : Innovation of Land Contracted Management Right Turnover System

  4. 显然,现行立法规定的农地承包经营权还应该有进一步发展。

    Clearly , the current legislation farmlands contracting authority should also have further developed .

  5. 浅析我国农地承包经营权流转的二元化格局

    The Dual Structure in the Circulation of Rights of Contracted Country Land in China

  6. 农地承包经营权系我国独创的法律概念,立法传统上无此表述;

    Farmland Contracted Operating Right is an innovative concept in the Chinese legal system .

  7. 关于农地承包经营权流转的研究综述

    A Review about the Studies of Farmland Transfer

  8. 系统分析我国农村土地承包经营的历史演进和内涵变化特征,总结我国农地承包经营权物权化的现实基础;

    Systemically analyse rural land contract-manage history and evolution character , base of real rights realization ;

  9. 农地承包经营权市场流转:理论与实证分析&基于农户层面的经济分析

    The Market Liquidity of Contracting and Operating Right to Rural Land : A Theoretical and Empirical Study

  10. 其次分析了我国农地承包经营权流转二元化格局的现状,以及二元化格局逐步强化的趋势。

    The status quo of the divide and tendency of its being intensified are also dealt with .

  11. 农地承包经营权能否抵押理论界和实务界也一直存在争论。

    The contracted management of rural land mortgage has always been controversial in the theoretical and practical circles .

  12. 第三章和第四章则分别研究农地承包经营权体系、农地所有权和发展权体系。

    Chapter three and four focus on farmland contract-management right systems , ownership right and development right systems respectively .

  13. 笔者提出以分而治之的方法,来促进我国农地承包经营权的流转。

    It is advised that the transfer of the contractual rights of land can be promoted on a case-by-case basis .

  14. 尽管国家已经以法律法规的形式确立了土地流转的合法性,但对于农地承包经营权抵押问题却是持反对态度的。

    Although the land transfer is legal in the form of laws and regulations by the nation , but for the rural land contract management right mortgage is opposed .

  15. 农业产业政策理论与实证探析农地承包经营权登记与中国农村土地制度改革&基于承包经营权流转的理论与实证分析

    The Analysis and Research on the Theory and Practice of the Policies on the Agriculture Industry Contracted Land Registration and China 's Rural Land Reform & Perspectives from Land Use Rights Transaction

  16. 东南沿海农地承包经营权连片流转探析&基于浙江、福建和广东三省的调查

    The Analysis on the Massive Circulation of Contracting and Operating Right of Rural Land in Southeastern Coastal Regions of China : Investigation based on 3 Provinces of Zhejiang , Fujian and Guangdong

  17. 改革开放以来,国家逐步放开对农村的控制,特别是赋予了农民自由转让农地承包经营权这一重要权能。

    Since the reform and opening up , the country has gradually liberalized the control of the countryside , especially given the farmers the important right to free transfer agricultural land contract and management .

  18. 作者认为我国农地承包经营权的不完全性和乡村干部的寻租行为是现阶段农地市场发育缓慢的两大根本原因。

    Its states that the incompleteness of contracting and operating right to rural land and the village cadres ′ " rent-seeking behavior " are the two basic reasons to the poor development of rural land market .

  19. 从法律的价值选择出发,运用结构分析的方法阐述了农地承包经营权与其他相关权利的关系,并提出了完善农地权利制度的建议。

    Based on the value option of the law , this paper exposits the relationship between farmland contractual management rights and other relevant rights by structure analysis method , and then offers the suggestion of perfecting farmland rights system .

  20. 建立基于土地保障功能的双向拍卖模型,将农户看成是土地使用权的卖方,对农地承包经营权有需要的他人或组织看作是买方,将政府视为拍卖商。

    In this model , farmers are considered as a seller who has land use right , and to those who are in need of land contractual management rights are regarded as a buyer , while the government is the auctioneer .

  21. 因此,推动农地承包经营权的物权化进程,将是充实农地承包经营权内涵,真正保护农民各方面权益的最有效措施,必然符合现代市场经济体制下农民对权利的根本诉求。

    Thus , promoting real rights construction of rural land contract-manage right , must become the most effective ways to perfect rural land contract-manage right implication , protect farmers benefits , and it answers for fanners ' rights demand in modern market economy system .

  22. 这部分主要对农地承包经营权流转的相关基础理论进行述评,分别有产权理论、制度变迁理论、地租与地价理论、土地市场理论以及农业规模经营理论。

    This part respectively commented basic theory related to rural land contractual management right transference , including property right theory , institutional change theories , the land rent and land price theory , land market theory as well as the theory of agricultural scale management .

  23. 新农村建设过程中农地承包经营使用权商品化的思考

    Think of Use Right Commercialization of Rural Land under the Background of Building the New Socialist Countryside

  24. 所谓农地使用权流转是指农地承包经营权和狭义农地使用权通过转让、转包、租赁等形式让渡给予其他农户或单位的行为。

    The so-called right to use farming land refers to the contract and management right of farming land , and the behavior of amortizing the narrowly & defined right to use farming land to other peasant households or units through the form of transferring , contracting , leasing etc.

  25. 作为农地利用的主要权利形式,农地承包经营权是在中国社会发生重大转折的特殊条件下发展起来的,并且也发挥了巨大的社会作用,极大地推动了农村经济的发展。

    The main agricultural land use rights as a form of farmlands franchise contract is a major turning point in Chinese society to the special conditions developed , and also played a huge role in society has greatly promoted the development of rural economy .

  26. 我国集体农地权利主要包括集体农地所有权与土地承包经营权。

    The rights to collective land in our country mainly include the ownership of collective land and the right to contract for management .

  27. 笔者认为我国农地产权体系可以分割为两个最重要的部分:农地所有权体系、农地承包经营权体系。

    I think China 's current farmland property right systems can be classified into two important categories : farmland ownership right system and farmland contract-management right system .