
  • 网络rural social problems
  1. 危机与出路:当前农村社会问题研究述评

    Crisis and The Way out : Comment on Study of Rural Social Problem

  2. 粮农组织农村社会问题工作队

    Working Party on Rural Sociological Problems of FAO

  3. 这两种社会思潮性质的创作使农村社会问题成为重要的社会舆论,推动了社会政治和文化的变革。

    These two social thoughts made social issues important public arguments , thus pushing forward social , political and cultural reform .

  4. 转型期中国农村社会问题的凸现&一种集体意识缺失的视角

    On the Emerging Social Problems in China 's Rural Areas during the Transformation & A Kind of Visual Angle of " the Deficiency of Collective Consciousness "

  5. 基于高利贷和鸦片关系视角的民国时期甘宁青农村社会问题分析

    Analysis about the Social Problems in the Rural Areas of Gansu , Ningxia and Qinghai during the Period of the Republic of China Based on the Relations between Usury and Opium

  6. 这一系列的农村社会问题,与以人为本和科学发展观相背离,已经影响到我国的经济和社会稳定发展,引起了理论界及决策层的广泛关注。

    Society polarizing and the difference between town and country are widening . All these country social problems deviate from people-oriented viewpoint of scientific development and influence the steady development of our economy and society .

  7. 农村社会治安问题成因的社会学求证

    Sociological Evidence About the Problem of Security of Society in Countryside

  8. 我国农村社会保障问题分析与对策构想

    On The System of Rural Social Security : Problems And Measures

  9. 欠发达地区农村社会保障问题初探

    Research on the Rural Land Social Security of Less Developed Areas

  10. 河北省农村社会保障问题探讨

    Social Security Issues in the Rural Areas of Hebei Province

  11. 西部农村社会保障问题与对策

    Social Security in Western Rural Areas : Problems and Solutions

  12. 而解决农村社会养老问题的关键在于如何实现农村社会养老保险基金的保值增值。

    And the key point is how to increasing the value of rural social pension insurance fund .

  13. 但解决农村社会保障问题的根源在于发展农村经济。

    However , the problem of social security in rural area is in fact the economy development .

  14. 我国理论界对农村社会养老问题的研究不够系统、深入,研究的现实意义不强。

    The study on rural social endowment insurance in China is not systemic and its realistic role is unobvious .

  15. 当前对农村社会保障问题的研究,选择的立足点也很多,但很少有文章从社会保障税方面进行探讨。

    Although the basing perspectives concerning the study of the rural social security issue is numerous , few contributions do researches from SST aspect .

  16. 忽视任何一方面都不能很好地解决农村社会保障问题,更不能确切地制定适应当前中国农村现状的社会保障法律制度。

    If we ignore any aspect , we cannot solve the problem properly , not to say to exactly build the social security legal system suited China .

  17. 然而如何解决好农村的社会问题仍是当前乃至今后一个时期工作的重点和难点。

    However , how to solve the rural social problem is an important and difficult work in the current and in a period of time in the future .

  18. 以往,我国学术界对城市社会保障问题关注、研究得比较多,而对农村社会保障问题则重视不够,研究得很不深入。

    Our academic circles used to take more consideration of the urban areas than the rural areas so that the rural areas have received less and superficial research .

  19. 本文所研究的城乡统筹背景下内江市农村社会救助问题,是当前城乡二元结构条件下社会关注的热点问题。

    The issue on the rural social assistance of Neijiang in the background of overall planning of urban and rural areas is a focus of attention under the circumstance of the current urban-rural dual structure .

  20. 文章试以迪尔凯姆关于集体意识及其在两类不同质的社会中的表现的论述为理论依据来探讨中国农村的社会问题。

    This paper tries to approach the social problems in China 's rural areas by taking the exposition of " collective consciousness " showing in the two societies with different characters as the theoretical basis .

  21. 当前,农村社会保障问题将直接关系到农村改革的进一步深化与农村经济的健康、可持续发展,甚至于整个国民经济的协调发展和社会的长治久安。

    On present , the rural social security issues concern the deepening reform of the rural and sustainable development of the rural economy , even the coordination of the national economy and long-term stability of social development .

  22. 要想解决中国农村的社会问题,农村土地问题是一个立足点,而完善农村土地法律制度、规范农村土地法律则是解决农村土地问题的切入点。

    Solving the social issues in the countryside of China , the rural land problem is the foothold , but it is a breakthrough point which solves the rural land problem and regulate the rural land law .

  23. 二是双方关于中国农村社会性质问题的论战,分别从中国农村经济性质是什么、帝国主义对中国农村经济性质的影响、中国农村内部经济的特点三个方面加以概括。

    Second , it touches upon the debate on the character of the Chinese society , including the aspects of the character of Chinese rural economy , the imperialist influence , and the internal features of rural economy .

  24. 转型时期农村社会分层问题引起了学者们的极大关注,取得了大量的研究成果,主要集中在农村社会分层的标准、农村社会分层单位及农村社会分层的原因这几个方面。

    A great concern has been shown for social stratification in rural areas in the period of transition , and a large quantity of research achievements made , which focus on several aspects such as stratified standard , stratified unit and the reason of stratification .

  25. 农村社会保障问题,既是我国当前亟待解决的三农问题中极为重要的农村居民民生问题,也是各级政府和学术界十分关注的一个重大的现实课题。

    Rural social security issue is an extremely important rural residents ' livelihood problem among the issue of " San Nong " demanding prompt solution in our country . Also it is a great realistic subject that governments at all levels and academia are paying much attention to .

  26. 建设西部农村小康社会的问题与建议

    Problems of and Suggestions to Constructing Well-off Society in West China

  27. 广元市元坝区农村社会养老保险问题研究

    Research on Country Endowment Insurance of Yuanba District of Guangyuan City

  28. 我国农村社会保障立法问题的探析

    Analysis on the Legislation of Our Country Security

  29. 党和国家历来高度重视农村的社会保障问题。

    The party and the state has always attached great importance to the social security .

  30. 从农村社会存在的问题看,无不与农业制度的创新息息相关。

    Questions existing in countryside are closely connected with the innovation of the agricultural system .