
  • 网络Agricultural eco-engineering
  1. 其中,人工湿地、前置库、缓冲带、水陆交错带、水土保持和农业生态工程等是目前研究和应用较多的农业面源污染控制技术。

    And the constructed wetlands , primary reservoirs , buffer and interlaced strip between water and land , soil and water conservation and agricultural eco-engineering are the main technologies for the controlling of agricultural diffuse pollution in research and applying relatively .

  2. 精确农业发展与农业生态工程创新

    Development of Precision Agriculture and Innovation of Agricultural Eco-engineering

  3. 在此基础上,以组件式GIS和关系型数据库为实现手段,研制出基于GIS的湘中紫色土丘陵综合治理农业生态工程信息系统。

    On this basis , by means of module GIS and relation database , develops agriculture eco-engineering in the comprehensive controlling purple soil upland in the middle part of Hunan province that based on GIS .

  4. 中国农业生态工程的主要技术类型

    The Major Technical Types of Agricultural Eco engineering in China

  5. 建设农业生态工程治理与控制湖泊面源污染

    Construct Agro-ecological Project , Control and Prevent Surface Source Pollution of Lakes

  6. 庆阳黄土高原草地农业生态工程系统模式和效益

    Model and benefit of grassland agriculture ecological engineering system in Qingyang Loess Plateau

  7. 论珠江三角洲新兴农业生态工程典型模式

    Typical Models of Agro-ecological Engineering in Pearl River Delta

  8. 信息技术的发展与农业生态工程创新

    Development of Information Technology and Innovation of Agriculture Eco-engineering

  9. 农业生态工程中的价值流分析

    The Analysis of Value Flow in Agroecological Engineering

  10. 结果表明,农业生态工程方法是合理利用和改良严重镉污染农田的良好途径。

    In the case of heavily contaminated soils , an agro-ecological engineering approach was recommended .

  11. 对北京市大兴县留民营村农业生态工程能量流进行了分析与计算。

    Taking Liuminying Village as an example , the energy flow of agro-ecological engineering is analyzed and calculated .

  12. 能量流分析对提高系统的生产力、保障农业生态工程建设的实施具有重要作用。

    Analyzing energy flow plays an important role on increasing productivity of system and improving the construction of agro-ecological engineering .

  13. 草本樨在河西商品粮基地草地农业生态工程系统中的种植模式和综合生产效率

    Planting pattern and comprehensive production efficiency of clover sweet in grassland agriculture ecological engineering system of the Hexi commercial grain base

  14. 近年来我国在农业生态工程、工业生态工程、水陆生态工程、生态县建设方面,取得了一定的经验。

    In recent years , we have achieved some experiences in the ecological subjects of agriculture , industry , water land and county .

  15. 湘中紫色土丘陵综合治理示范区农业生态工程设计

    The design of agriculture ecological engineering in the demonstration regions of comprehensive controlling Purple Soil Upland in the middle part of Hunan Province

  16. 农业生态工程是生态农业建设的重要内容,是实施生态农业建设的重要措施和技术手段。

    Agro ecological engineering is the significant content of eco farm construction and is the important measures and technical means for the implementation of eco farm construction .

  17. 作者在理论研究和多年实践的基础上,系统总结、介绍了当前我国农业生态工程10种主要的技术类型:充分利用空间和土地资源的农林立体结构生态系统;

    This paper systematically summarizes the ten current technical types of agricultural eco engineering in China : the agricultural and forestry three dimensional structure eco system type for fully utilizing space and land resources ;

  18. 6年来,在示范区按照农业生态工程的设计,进行紫色土丘陵综合治理,取得了显著的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。

    In six years , we comprehensive control the purple soil upland in the demonstration regions according to the design of agriculture ecological engineering and get the remarkable economic benefit , social benefit and ecological benefit .

  19. 根据分析结果,建议在宁夏农业生态环境保护工程中引入BT代建模式。

    According to the results of the analysis , it suggests the introduction of BT Financing Agent Model in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region agri-ecological environmental protection project .

  20. 最后,以宁夏农业生态环境保护工程为例,对农村大型公共工程的融资进行了实证分析。

    Finally , the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to agri-ecological environmental protection project as a financing example of the rural large-scale public works for the empirical analysis .

  21. 农业部生态农业环境工程重点开放实验室浙江大学农业生物环境工程研究所杭州浙大博奥生物环境工程有限公司

    Key Laboratory of Eco-Agriculture Environmental Engineering , Ministry of Agriculture , China

  22. 中国干旱半干旱区农业生态地质环境系统工程研究

    The study of systematic engineering on agricultural eco-geological environment in arid and semiarid area in China

  23. 丘陵山区农业持续发展的生态工程对策&以山东省五莲县为例

    Eco-Engineering Countermeasures for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Hills and Mountainous Areas & Taking Wulian County of Shandong Province as an example

  24. 加强农业基础设施和生态工程建设,提高农业综合生产能力和可持续发展能力;

    We should enhance the construction of agricultural infrastructure and ecological project construction and improve the comprehensive production ability and sustainable development of agriculture ;

  25. 机械化保护性耕作是一项实现北方旱作农业可持续发展的综合的农业生态工程技术。

    Mechanization conservation tillage is a synthetical agricultural and ecological engineering technology of realizing sustainable development of north arid agriculture .

  26. 中国的生态农业是生态优化的农业体系,是生态工程在农业上的应用,其目标是使农业的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益统一起来。

    Chinese ecological agriculture is a optimized agricultural system , and is the application of ecological engineering to agriculture , aiming at obtaining economic benefit , ecological benefit and social benefit at the same time .

  27. 黑龙江省庆安县六合村自1986年开始进行生态农业建设,由于利用生态经济学原理和系统工程方法进行调控,采取了一系列农业生态工程措施,取得了明显的经济、生态和社会效益。

    Liuhe village began ecological agriculture construction in 1986 according to the principles of ecological economy and methods of systematic engineering , a series of practices have been applied , such as regulating the ratio of farming to lives-tocks , planting more grasses and trees .

  28. 而生态养猪就是根据生态系统物质循环与能量流动的基本原理,将猪作为农业生态系统必要的组成部分,应用农业生态工程方法阻止生猪生产,以提高养猪效益和实现综合效益最优化。

    The ecological pig farming is based on the ecosystem nutrient cycling and energy flow of the basic principles of the pig as agricultural ecosystems necessary component of agro-ecological engineering methods to prevent application of pig production , achieve overall efficiency of pig optimization .

  29. 主要论述热量和水分在农业生态系统中的作用及现有的农业生态气候工程。

    This paper discusses the action of heat and water on agro ecosystem and today 's agro ecoclimatic engineering .

  30. 这一政策体系包括提高农业综合生产能力的投入政策、支持农业生态系统工程持续性建设的经济政策、提高农业生态经济效益的技术政策和保持农业生态平衡的环境政策。

    The policy system includes input policy to increase agricultural comprehensive porduction capability , economic policy to support agricultural ecological project construction , technical policy to enhance agricultural eco-economic efficiency and environmental policy to maintain agricultural ecological equilibrium .