
  • 网络heavy metal pollution;heavy metal pollutant
  1. 公路交通是环境中重金属污染物的主要排放源之一。

    The highway traffic is the main source of heavy metal pollution .

  2. 铅是环境中普遍存在的重金属污染物之一。

    Lead is one of most common heavy metal pollution in the environment .

  3. Pb因其独特的特性已经作为茶叶中主要的重金属污染物而成为研究热点。

    Pb , with its unique characteristics , has become a research hotspot as the main heavy metal pollutant in the tea .

  4. 结果显示,洞庭湖沉积物中重金属污染物主要是Cd和Hg,其次是Pb、Zn、As和Cu;

    The results show that Cd and Hg are the main heavy metal pollutions , followed by Pb , Zn , As and Cu .

  5. 煤粉燃烧会产生大量污染物,包括SOx,NOx,CO2,重金属污染物等。

    Various pollutants are caused by coal combustion , including SO2 , NOx , CO2 and heavy metal pollutants .

  6. 六价铬(Cr(Ⅵ))是常见的重金属污染物之一,具有强的致癌性和致畸性,且在自然环境中可以稳定存在。

    Hexavalent chromium ( Cr (ⅵ)), which has intensive carcinogenicity and teratogenicity , is a kind of common heavy metal pollutants with high stability in natural environment .

  7. 电池生产过程排放的污水含汞、锌、锰等重金属污染物和COD等有机污染物。

    During the battery production , the wastewater would drain with some heavy metal pollutants and organic pollutants like Hg , Zn , Mn , COD and BOD .

  8. 铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)既是环境中的主要重金属污染物,又是公认的毒性最强的五毒元素,其在自然界中往往伴随存在。

    Pb and Cd are not only the major heavy metal pollutants in the environment but also the two of the most recognized toxic and harmful environmental elements , they usually concomitantly exist in the nature .

  9. 人类的大量开采和使用导致Pb成为环境中广泛存在的重金属污染物,对自然环境和人体健康构成严重威胁。

    Lead has been regarded as one of the widespread heavy metal pollutants in the environment because of its large-scale exploitation and use , which poses a serious threat to both the natural environment and human health .

  10. 菜地主要重金属污染物为Hg,平均单项污染指数为0.74。除As外,耕层土壤中Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb含量高于亚耕层含量。

    The main heavy metal pollutant was Hg , with a mean single pollution index of 0.74.The content of Cd , Cr , Cu , Hg and Pb in the topsoil was higher than in the subsoil .

  11. 白鹳和黑鹳的卵壳中均检出超量重金属污染物铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、锶(Sr)、砷(As)、汞(Hg),说明母体也受到了一定程度的污染;

    Heavy metal pollutant such as Pb , Cd , Sr , As and Hg were examined out in eggshells of both white stork and black stork , which indicates that the mother bodies have been polluted .

  12. 辽东湾底质重金属污染物主要是Cd、Zn、Pb,尤其是Cd平均含量为1.16mg/kg,超过土壤环境质量三级标准;

    Cd , Pb and Zn are the main heavy metal pollutants . The average content of Cd in the sediments of the most river mouths reaches 1.16 mg / kg , which exceeds the standard of Class ⅲ of the soil environment quality .

  13. 六价铬[Cr(VI)]是电镀行业产生的典型污染物,毒性大、致癌致畸变作用强,属于国家重点控制的五大重金属污染物之一。

    Hexavalent chromium [ Cr (ⅵ) ] is a typical pollutant from the electroplating industry . Due to its toxicity , carcinogenicity and mutagenicity , Cr (ⅵ) was identified as one of the five priority-control heavy metal pollutants in our country .

  14. 通过中国北方某城市近郊土壤环境质量的系统调查发现,本区土壤中重金属污染物的化学组成主要为Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、Se、Cd等;

    Based on a systematic investigation into the environmental quality of soils on the outskirts of a city , it has been found that the pollution of heavy metals in soils in the study area is mainly composed of Hg , Cu , Pb , Zn , Sn and Cd .

  15. 分析了含锌高浓度氨氮废水和催化裂化含硫废水的水质,将两种废水混合进行一定的调配后,使其中重金属污染物以ZnS的形式沉淀并过滤出来,Zn2+的去除率达9999%;

    The water quality of wastewater containing high concentration ammonia , nitrogen and zinc is analyzed . The wastewater containing ammonia nitrogen was mixed with wastewater containing sulfide to form precipitation ZnS that is filtrated . The rate of removal of Zn 2 + can reach 99 99 % .

  16. 同时我们知道铅是已知危害最大的环境重金属污染物之一,美国政府和工业卫生委员会(ACGIH)将铅列为动物致癌物。

    As we know , lead is one of the most important heavy metal pollutants and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ( ACGIH ) categorizes lead as one of animal carcinogenic materials .

  17. 重金属污染物在非均质储层中运移的环境预测模型

    Environmental Prediction Model of Heavy Metal Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifer

  18. 重金属污染物在土壤环境系统中运移的建模与仿真

    The Simulation of Heavy Metal Contamination Transport in Soil Environmental System

  19. 木本植物对大气重金属污染物耐性的研究

    Study on tolerance of woody-plants to heavy metal pollutants in air

  20. 铁氧体化法在重金属污染物解毒处理中的应用

    Application of Ferrite Process in Heavy Metal Pollutants Detoxifying Treatment

  21. 北京市饮用水源水重金属污染物健康风险的初步评价

    Preliminary Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Drinking Waters in Beijing

  22. 冲积河流重金属污染物迁移转化数学模型研究

    Study on the mathematical model of heavy-metal pollutants transport-transformation in fluvial rivers

  23. 21种园林植物对环境重金属污染物吸收能力的分析

    Absorption Ability of 21 Species of Ornamental Plants on Heavy Metal-Polluted Environments

  24. 不同粒径泥沙解吸重金属污染物静态试验研究

    Experimental Research on Heavy Metal Desorption for Sediment with Different Grain Size

  25. 泥沙吸附重金属污染物室内静态试验研究

    Studies on Heavy Metal Pollutant Adsorption by Sediment in the Laboratorial Static Experiments

  26. 重金属污染物在水体中的络合效应

    Domino Offect of Pollutant the Heavy Metal in Water

  27. 垃圾焚烧重金属污染物的控制现状

    Current Control Status of Heavy Metals from MSW Incineration

  28. 重金属污染物对卤虫无节幼体的毒性

    Toxicity effects of heavy metal pollutant on artemia nauplius

  29. 黄河中游主要重金属污染物的迁移转化

    Migration of the main heavy metal in the middle reaches of the Yellow River

  30. 环境重金属污染物的生物有效性

    The bioactivity of environment heavy metal pollutants in the vicinity of non-ferrous metal smelters