
  • 网络recombinant carrier vaccine;Recombinant vector vaccine
  1. DNA初免、重组病毒载体疫苗免疫加强显著提高细胞毒性T淋巴细胞功能亲和力的机制研究

    Increase of the Sensitivity of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes to Antigenic Stimulation by DNA Prime / recombinant Viral Vector Boost Immunization

  2. HIV-1重组病毒载体疫苗冻干制剂的制备及其联合免疫效果的研究

    Prepare of Lyophilized Recombinant Virus-Based HIV-1 Vaccine and Prime-Boost Strategy

  3. 背景疫苗在预防和治疗人类多种疫症的过程中发挥了不可磨灭的作用。其中,基因工程重组活载体疫苗因其能够诱导产生体液、细胞甚至黏膜免疫而受到广大研究者的关注。

    BACKGROUUND : The vaccine in the prevention and treatment of the human variety of epidemic plays an indelible role , among them , genetic engineering live carrier recombination vaccine were aroused many researchers ' attention by its elicits cellular , humoral and even mucosa immune response .

  4. 含HIV-1env基因的质粒DNA及重组腺病毒载体疫苗的研究

    Immunogenicity of DNA Vaccine and Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Containing HIV-1 Env

  5. 目前的疫苗研制策略包括质粒DNA载体,活重组载体和联合疫苗等。

    These novel vaccine strategies , including plasmid DNA , live recombinant vectors and combined vaccine .

  6. 目的研制重组MVA病毒载体疫苗的耐热冻干保护剂。

    Objective To prepare the stabilizer of freeze-dried recombinant MVA virus vector vaccine .

  7. 本实验构建了EGFR为靶向的重组T7噬菌体载体疫苗,并进一步探讨在体的免疫活性以及抗肿瘤作用,为抗肿瘤疫苗的发展奠定基础。

    Therefore , the recombinant bacteriophage T7 vaccine was constructed targeting human EGFR . The immune reactivity of anti-tumor was studied in our experiment both in vitro and vivo , for providing a basis of study on anti-tumor vaccine .

  8. 基因重组卡介苗活载体疫苗的研究进展

    Advances in recombinant bacille calmette - guerin

  9. 目的构建稳定高效表达HIV-1Gag-Pol蛋白的重组痘病毒载体疫苗,并检测其体液免疫效果。

    Objective To construct the recombinant modified vacinia Ankara ( rMVA ) for stable and high expression of HIV-1 Gag-Pol antigen and study its humoral immune effect .

  10. 口蹄疫病毒重组鸡痘病毒活载体疫苗和DNA疫苗免疫牛的试验研究

    Immune Responses in Cattle Induced by Recombinant Fowl-pox Virus and DNA Vaccine against Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus

  11. 鸡源鹦鹉热衣原体主要外膜蛋白(MOMP)基因重组腺病毒活载体疫苗研究

    Study on Vaccine of Recombinant Adenovirus Containing MOMP Gene of Chlamydia Psittaci of Chicken Origin

  12. 重组腺病毒载体乙肝疫苗的免疫学研究

    Investigation of the immune effect of adenovirus vector HBV vaccine in mice