
  1. 山岭重丘区公路20m以下空心板梁集中预制安装的利与弊

    Discussion on advantages and disadvantages of concentrated precast and erection for voided slab beams with less than 20 meters in the heavy rolling area

  2. 山岭重丘区小桥涵设置

    Small Bridges and Culverts Courses in Mountain and Hilly Area

  3. 山岭重丘区高等级公路改建工程路基施工

    Subgrade construction of high grade highway reconstruction in mountain and hill terrain

  4. 山岭重丘区公路排水系统的设计体会

    The Experience on Highway Drainage System Design in Mountain Heavy Hilly Area

  5. 山岭重丘区高速公路交通事故分析

    Analyzing the Traffic Accidents On the Freeway of Mountain Range

  6. 山岭重丘区二级公路水泥混凝土路面滑模摊铺工艺

    Slipform Paving of Cement Concrete Pavement in Mountain Area

  7. 山岭重丘区高等级公路布线及程序设计

    The Route Arrangement Design of High Grade Highway among the Heavy Hill Area

  8. 山岭重丘区高速公路桥梁桥台型式的设计

    Design of Bridge Abutment Form in Mountainous Areas

  9. 山岭重丘区高速公路中线及高程测量分析

    Center Line and Elevation Surveying Analysis of Freeway in Mountainous Region and Heavy Hill Area

  10. 路基滑坡是山岭重丘区高速公路工程中常见病害。

    The subgrade landslide is a common distress in expressway in mountainous / heavy rolling area .

  11. 尤其山岭重丘区旧路改造项目,沥青混凝土路面缺陷更显突出。

    Especially for road reconstruction item in Mountain , the limitation of asphalt pavement is more obvious .

  12. 山岭重丘区高速公路预制梁场设置方案的比选喜马拉雅山大吉岭铁路

    A Comparison on Schedules of Prefabricate Girder Yard for Expressway Bridges in Hill Area Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

  13. 我国西部大部分地区属山岭重丘区,山高谷深、地形险峻。

    Western region of China is a mountainous zone , with high mountains and deep gorges , steep terrain .

  14. 山岭重丘区修筑公路沿线常使用不同风化程度、不同岩质类型的软质岩石。

    Roads in mountainous areas are usually filled by different types of soft rocks with different degree of weathering .

  15. 随着我国高等级公路向山岭、重丘地区的延伸,桥梁在公路中所占的比例不断增加。

    As high-grade highway extends to the mountain and hilly areas in China , bridges have a higher proportion of the highway .

  16. 随着高速公路的建设逐渐进入山岭重丘区,桥梁隧道工程也日益增多。

    With the construction of highway in the mountainous areas , the number of bridge and tunnel engineering increases day by day .

  17. 山岭重丘区高等级公路空心板梁集中预制利弊分析

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Concentration Pre-casting and Erecting of Hollow Slab Beams Shorter than 25m for High-grade Highway in Hilly Area

  18. 分析了山岭重丘区公路排水系统设计的重要性和必要性,提出了测设前要充分做好水文地质情况调查和选择经济合理的排水结构型式。

    The paper analyzed the importance and necessity of highway drainage system design in mountain heavy hilly area , and proposed some advice .

  19. 我国高速铁路建设正在向中西部重丘及山区延伸,不可避免的要填筑部分高路堤。

    With the construction of high-speed railway in our country is extending to Midwest heavy hilly and mountainous , filling high embankment is unavoidable .

  20. 山岭重丘区的高速公路在平纵面设计时为使其达到相应的设计等级,难以避免高填或深挖现象。

    High-fill or deep-cut is difficult to avoid during layout & section design of freeways in mountainous regions in order to reach corresponding design grade .

  21. 随着隧道工程向山岭重丘发展,长大深埋高水压隧道越来越多。

    Because of the development of tunnel projects to mountainous terrain , the deeply , long and high wate pressure tunnels grow more and more .

  22. 我国西部除部分地区属平原微丘区外,大部分地区属山岭重丘区,山高谷深、地形复杂险峻。

    Besides with parts of level cross country , western region of China is a mountainous zone , with high mountains and deep gorges , steep terrain .

  23. 山岭重丘区高速(高等级)公路建设的可持续发展观浅谈工程地质选线对山区高速(高等级)公路工程造价的影响

    Development of express ( high grade ) way in low-relief terrains with sustainable development idea cost of expressway construction in mountain areas affected by engineering geological choosing lines

  24. 我国是一个地地域辽阔,多山岭重丘的国家,随着社会的发展和国民的需要,建设山区道路成为了一个迫切而又繁重任务。

    China is a vast territory and mountainous country , with the social development and national needs , construction of mountain-road has became a urgent and arduous task .

  25. 分析了原有公路的特点和进行改造的原则,提出了对原有公路改造的勘察与设计观点,尤其对平原微丘区及山岭重丘区线位的确定提出了自己的看法。

    From several aspects , the paper analyzed the characteristics of old road and the principle of reconstruction , and proposed its investigation , design and the determination of the location .

  26. 近年来,我国山岭重丘区高速公路里程越来越多,同时,这些地区的交通事故也显得比较突出。

    Recent years , the freeway mileage of mountain range in our country is more and more , at the same time , the traffic accidents in these regions have being look distinctness .

  27. 结合山岭重丘地区的一水电工程,根据其特殊的地形条件,采用了新型的导线布网形式,避免了树木的大量砍伐,确保通视良好;

    According to the complex topography , especially mountain area , this paper adopted the new traverse in a hydroelectric engineering , which avoid the tree to chop down and insure orientation to see good .

  28. 实践表明该测试法在山岭条件下具有无可比拟的优势,因此在山岭重丘区桥梁桩基中具有广阔的应用前景。

    The practice has proved that this test method has great advantage to test large capacity pile in the mountain range , so it has wide application prospect for bridge piles in mountainous hilly area .

  29. 山岭重丘区高等级公路跨越深沟峡谷时或特殊的引桥,经常会出现高桥墩或特高墩与大跨度相结合的情况。

    High piers or ultra-high piers combined with large span bridge , frequently , appear in the area of mountains and hills highway , when need across deep groove valley or be applied to special auxiliary bridge .

  30. 我国西部山岭重丘区山高谷深,高速公路跨线人行天桥、车行天桥相对较多,仅重庆市高速公路设置中墩的跨线人行天桥就有247座。

    There are many high mountains and deep valleys in western region , and the pedestrian bridges and motors bridges as well cross the highway . In Chongqing , there are 247 pedestrian bridges cross the highways .