
  • 网络National sentiment
  1. 自由理念与民族情感在一定程度上能够融合。

    To some extent , the idea of freedom and national sentiment can be merged .

  2. 前期,在政治上、民族情感上、思想上、文化上基本上都认同中国。

    Early in the political , national sentiment , ideology , cultural identity of China basically .

  3. 论新闻传播中的民族情感因素对受众的影响

    On the National Emotion in News Communication and Its Impact on Audience

  4. 熔入史学方法、现状考察与发展思考、民族情感

    Integrate history ways , current survey and development thinking , and national feelings

  5. 渴望胜利,民族情感维系于金牌情结;

    National feeling was maintained in the gold complex .

  6. 传统民族情感方式在近代的畸变&兼论义和团运动时期不同形态的民族情感方式

    Distortion of Traditional National Feelings in Modern Times

  7. 具有促进交流、培育民族情感和精神的价值。

    It can promote exchanging , foster the national emotion and value of spirit .

  8. 在美术教学中,民族情感和正气的培养,是一个长期而艰巨的任务。

    It is along and hard work in art teaching to cultivate the ethnic passion and positive moral .

  9. 传统民族情感在近代经历了一个由失衡到畸变的过程。

    Traditional national feelings have gone through the process from loss of balance to distortion in modern times .

  10. 想想那春节期间全家团圆的温馨以及很多节日中民族情感的慰藉。

    Think about the comfort of family reunion during Spring Festival and the delicacy of national feelings on many occasions .

  11. 清兵在山东的杀戮在幼年孔尚任心中留下了阴影;孔的父亲的言传身教、族兄所讲的血染诗扇的故事唤起了他的民族情感;

    Kong Shang-ren hates the Qing Dynasty , because the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty slaughter the people crazily in the Shandong Province .

  12. 以上两种情况,人们都会从简单的信息中看到敌对方的可鄙形象并激起自己的民族情感。

    In both cases , we have a picture based on simple ideas , caricatural descriptions of the opponent and targeting nationalistic feelings .

  13. 如果麦当劳在推行霸权,具有强烈的民族情感和文化意识的中国人为什么还会屈从于这种霸权呢?

    If McDonald 's carries hegemonic power , why do Chinese who have a strong sense of national identity and culture succumb to it ?

  14. 因此,创造负有时代精神和民族情感特色的艺术作品才是创作者真正的责任。

    Accordingly , the creation has a spirit of the times and national sentiment characteristics of works of art are creative , real responsibility .

  15. 国内企业的使命陈述比较重视创新精神,还有部分企业的使命陈述表现出较强的民族情感。

    The unique facets of mission statements are that china enterprises are more concern innovation , and some mission statements manifest strong national sensibilities .

  16. 同时保护主义将英国人的民族情感与国家未来发展紧密联系起来,对英民族国家的成长产生了深远影响。

    British national emotion and future state development were closely linked in light of protectionism ; protectionism had made a notable impact on national growth .

  17. 七夕诗展现了民俗习尚的风情画,体现出民族情感的人文意蕴。

    Poems in praise of the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon reveal a picture of folk customs and a sense of humanity of national feelings .

  18. 民族情感是个人或集体对自己民族所特有的一种情感,主要表现为对民族历史、民族文化的热爱,对祖国、对人民的热爱。

    National Emotion is a specific emotion in individuals and groups . They have deep love in national history , national culture , nation and people .

  19. 这些本土企业一直能够发掘出中国消费者身上潜在的民族情感,因为许多消费者都迫切希望看到出现强大的本土企业。

    The local companies have been able to tap latent nationalistic sentiment among Chinese consumers , many of whom are keen to see strong local companies .

  20. 晚清政治小说中的西方形象,反映的是作者们建构新秩序的功利心理以及难以舍弃的民族情感。

    The western images in the political novel in the late Qing Dynasty reflected writers ' eagerness to construct new order and reluctance to depart national feelings .

  21. 广告的价值在于实现其呼唤功能,这一实现过程与目标人群的文化背景,民族情感密切相关。

    The value of Ads lies in the fulfillment of their vocative function , which is closely related to the cultural background and national feelings of target people .

  22. 文学作品中的风俗描写,蕴含着丰富的审美情感:怀旧情感、民族情感、历史情感、爱憎情感等。

    Aesthetic emotion is implied in custom description of literary works . It is reflected by reminiscent mood , national sensibility , historical cherish and sensibility of love and hate .

  23. 本文从艺术民俗学入手,结合本专业研究方向以及作者本身的民族情感,重点研究蒙古民间美术的艺术特色。

    From an artistic folklore , combining the research direction of the professional as well as of national sentiment , focusing on the artistic features of the Mongolian folk art .

  24. 在过去的500年里,蓝山行宫一直是举行宗教仪式和祭祀的地方,同强烈的民族情感联系在一起。

    It is associated with strong feelings of national identity , and has maintained its spiritual and sacred character both in ritual practice and the popular imagination for the past 500 years .

  25. 通过对中国传统绘画语言和西方绘画的审美特征的分析,结合中国传统绘画元素在油画中运用,尝试探讨一条源于内心真实的和民族情感的油画表现方式。

    With a careful analysis of traditional Chinese painting and aesthetic features of western painting , the author attempts to find a representation mode of oil painting originated from the inner world and the national emotion .

  26. 片面强调职业技术教育,通过推行其奴化教育方针,培养忠于日本的会说话的工具,严重地摧残了中国东北青年一代的民族情感和国民素质。

    By partially emphasizing on the vocational and technical education unilaterally , they cultivated speaking tools so as to implement their slavery education , which in turn would devastate the national feeling among the young Chinese .

  27. 省港罢工伊始,粤商激于反帝爱国的民族情感,多能牺牲私利而积极参加对外经济抵制运动。

    Owing to the anti-imperialistic and patriotic emotion , most of the merchants in Guangdong could sacrifice private interest to take positively part in the movement of externally economical boycott at the beginning of the Guangdong-Hongkong Strike .

  28. 但也存在着一些不容忽视的问题:如部分大学生公民身份认同、权利义务、责任感存在偏差;存在狭隘的民族情感和民族意识等。

    But there are also some problems that not allow to ignore . There exists a deviation among some students on civic identity , rights and obligations , responsibility which present narrow national sentiment and national consciousness .

  29. 最后从移情入手,论述了在现代设计中注入中国传统文化和民族情感因素的重要性,总结出了如何使传统装饰图形更好的融入现代设计,从而创造新时代的民族化装饰图形的方法。

    Finally , discusses the importance of integrating traditional culture and national emotion factors into modern graphic design , summed up how to better integrate into modern design , in order to create a new ethnic decorative graphic design .

  30. 风意象丰富多样性的形成、不同形式的风意象中所积淀的深厚的民族情感的差异以及它们所引发的不同的审美感受等,是本文试图探讨的课题。

    The formation of the wind imagery 's liberality , the different of profound national sentiment that accumulated in different wind imagery and the different aesthetic feeling they brought about are the subject which will be talked about in this thesis .