
  1. 诺基亚需与职工协商变更劳动合同内容。

    Nokia needs to negotiate with employees about changing labor contract content .

  2. 劳动合同变更内容,可由劳动合同双方商定。

    The content of the changes in the contract may be decided by both parties of the contract .

  3. 我知道的人事部经理告诉了你关于劳动合同的内容,但我还想在签约之前把主要条件再谈一下。

    I know our employment officer has already given you information about your employee contract , but I 'd like to go over the main details again before signing .

  4. 就业协议的主要内容与劳动合同的主要内容一致;

    Their main contents accord with the contents of the latter .

  5. 为劳动合同的重要内容之一的竞业禁止条款,其内容将如何直接影响到劳动者自身劳动权益的实现。

    Prohibition of strife , as one of the important contents of Labor contract , its contents will have a direct impact on realization of employee 's labor rights .

  6. 比较两岸劳动合同法律的基本内容是文章的重点。

    The key of this thesis is the comparison of the two labor laws .

  7. 实际履行原则是指注重以劳动合同实际履行的内容作为法律调整的劳动合同双方的权利义务的法律原则。

    The actual performance principle is a legal principle stressing the actual performance , which takes the contents of the actual performance as the rights and obligations of labor contracts .

  8. 就业协议是用人单位与求职人员之间签订的关于未来劳动聘用关系及劳动合同主要内容的书面文件。

    Employment Agreement is the file which the Employer and the Employee signed for the future relation of employment between them .

  9. 劳动合同的效力是劳动合同的核心内容。

    The effectiveness is the core content of the labor contract .

  10. 分析劳动争议的常见原因,并就劳动合同内容和有关程序的制定以及企业内部规章制度的完善提出建议,确保依法防范和化解劳动争议,建立稳定和谐的劳动关系。

    The common causes of labor disputes are analyzed and some suggestions have been proposed as to the formulation of labor contract content and relevant procedures and perfection of interior regulation system within the enterprises to guard and prevent and solve labor disputes so as to establish harmonic labor-capital relationship .

  11. 诺基亚应当按照此流程与员工协商变更劳动合同,如员工同意,则变更劳动合同内容;

    Nokia should consult with the staff to change the labor contract according to this process , if such employee agrees , change the labor contract content ;

  12. 在劳动关系中,除了正式的劳动合同规定的内容外,还存在着隐性的、非正式的、未公开说明的相互期望,即心理契约。

    In labor relations , in addition to the official labor contracts , the content is also conclude some recessive , informal , not public explanation mutual expectations , which named psychological contract .

  13. 同时,很多大型企业都采取了各种措施对《劳动合同法》中的无固定期限劳动合同内容进行规避,可见,社会各界对无固定期限劳动合同的作用并未完全认同。

    At the same time , many large enterprises have adopted various measures to the " Employment Contract Law " in the non-fixed term labor contracts to avoid the content can be seen , the community of non-fixed term labor contract role is not totally convinced .

  14. 劳动合同的订立是劳动者与用人单位经过一定程序,采用一定的形式,确定劳动合同内容,建立劳动关系的活动。

    Concluding the labor contract is the activity that the employer and employee base on the legal procedure and some form , agree the content of contract , and establish the labor relation .