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  • 网络Labor Price;labour price
  1. 社会主义商品生产、劳动价格和工资改革

    On Socialist Commodity Production , Labour Price and Wage Reform

  2. 经济全球化加强了美国资本在压低劳动价格、控制通货膨胀和利用国外资金等方面的实力地位;

    ( b ) the economic globalization enhance the power of American capital to have the labour price kept low , the currency inflation controlled , and the foreign investment used to its advantage ;

  3. 然后,具体定义了该函数模型的三个投入变量,即;劳动价格、资本价格、物料价格以及两个产出变量,即:人寿保险保费收入、意外险和健康险保费收入的含义。

    Defines three inputs , that is , labor price , capital price , and materials price .

  4. 工会是站在工人一方,通过对劳动价格的议价来调节供给与需求关系的。

    The trade unions as the workers ' representatives adjust relations between supply and demand by negotiating a price of labor price .

  5. 金融危机后,经济逐渐复苏,纺织业又面临劳动价格优势不断弱化的局面。

    After that , the economy recovered gradually , while the advantage of labor cost in textile industry continued to be weakened .

  6. 研究发现:主产品价格、劳动价格、仔鸡价格、饲料价格、管理费用、销售费等是影响养鸡业成本效益的主要因素;

    Research shows that : product price , albor force price , chicken price , feed price , administrative expense , sell cost etc are the main factors effect the chicken industry .

  7. 如果我们姑且认为这个比率增长的一半是由于土地价格对劳动价格的永久性的调整的话,这个比率的下江也足以引发一场大规模的全球经济衰退。

    If we are generous and accept that half of the increase is a permanent re-rating of land prices relative to labor prices , the decline would still be enough to cause a sizable global recession .

  8. 指出了体育院校现行的分配制度存在的与学科梯队建设脱节;与市场劳动价格脱轨;

    The author points out that the current distribution systems is disjointed with the discipline echelon construction , divorced from the labour price in the market and separated with the reforming of the system of personnel placement .

  9. 但是,商品的价格,从而劳动的价格,是同它的生产费用相等的。

    But the price of a commodity , and therefore also of labour , is equal to its cost of production .

  10. 铁路运输成本还是制定和调整铁路运输价格以及企业间劳动清算价格的重要依据。

    Railroad conveyance cost is still the important basis to formulate and adjust railroad conveyance price , to account labor clearing prices among enterprises .

  11. 论劳动生产率与价格总水平的关系

    On the Relation between labour productivity and Gross price level

  12. 雇佣劳动的平均价格是最低限度的工资,即工人为维持其工人的生活所必需的生活资料的数额。

    The average price of wage-labour is the minimum wage , i.e. , that quantum of the means of subsistence , which is absolutely requisite in bare existence as a labourer .

  13. 分析了世界铁矿工业的现状、铁矿产品的进出口情况;研讨了铁矿产品的结构、劳动生产率及价格;

    The paper analyses the current situations of international iron industry and the import and export circumstances of iron products and discusses the structure , productivity and price of iron products .

  14. 零件是用密集劳动生产的,价格就很贵。

    The parts are very labor-intensive which makes them very expensive .

  15. 劳动价值与市场价格论。

    Labor theory of value and market price ii .

  16. 基于劳动节约的技术价格模型

    A technology price model based on working time saved

  17. 两种社会必要劳动时间与价值价格理论

    Two Kinds of Socially Necessary Labor-time and Value-Price Theory

  18. 劳动是最初的价格,是人们购买一切东西所支付的最初货币。

    What a price she paid for saving the factory from the fire !

  19. 劳动生产率变化引起价格总水平上涨的内在机制

    The Interior Mechanism of Changing Labor Productivity Leading to the Rise of Overall Price Level

  20. 劳动是第一性价格,是最初用以购买一切货物的代价。

    Labour was the first price , the original purchase-money that was paid for all things .

  21. 这些充分显示了基于劳动价值论的价格总水平理论是价格总水平理论的发展方向。

    All of this show that the Labor Value Theory is the direction of the general price theory .

  22. 把马克思归于古典经济学家的行列并据此否定马克思的劳动价值理论对于价格的解释功能的观点是错误的。

    It is certainly wrong to classify Marx as a classical economist and thus to deny his explanation about price .

  23. 首先,劳动力市场一体化程度提高,结果造成劳动密集型商品价格下降,受全球新劳动力市场影响最大的美国低技能工人工资面临下行压力。

    The first , the result of greater labour market integration , is a decline in the price of labour-intensive goods and downward pressure on the wages of low-skilled US workers most affected by the new global labour market .

  24. 物价昂贵年度的荒歉,由于减少了劳动需求,因而会降低劳动的价格。

    The scarcity of a dear year , by diminishing the demand for labour , tends to lower its price .

  25. 本实用新型操作方便,可以降低劳动强度,提高劳动效率,而且价格比较低廉,适合普通的烟叶种植户使用。

    The electric binding machine has the advantages of convenient operation , reduced labor strength , improved labor efficiency and low cost , and is suitable for being used by common tobacco leaf planters .

  26. 三是说明发展劳动价值论应该对西方经济理论的合理成分进行吸收利用,用新古典经济学的均衡价格理论来充实劳动价值论的价格分析部分。

    The second one is the basic theory innovation , it includes the third charter ; To utilize the reasonable factors of modern Western Economics , especially to enrich market-price analysis of Marx 's labor theory of value with equilibrium-price analysis of Neoclassical Economics .