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shǎo xǔ
  • a little;a few;lightly;hint;trace;a modicum;shadow;tinge;crumb;ounce;suspicion;gob;paucity
少许 [shǎo xǔ]
  • [a little] 一点点;少量

  • 加少许糖

少许[shǎo xǔ]
  1. 用少许打过的蛋将混合料搅拌在一起。

    Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg .

  2. 烹饪鲜美滑嫩的鸡肉时多加些大蒜,并滴入少许雪利酒。

    Cook pieces of succulent chicken with ample garlic and a little sherry .

  3. 用少许油煎肉。

    Cook the meat in shallow fat .

  4. 给孩子少许爱吃的食物,设法诱使他们吃饭。

    Try and entice the child to eat by offering small portions of their favourite food .

  5. 调以盐、胡椒和少许辣椒粉。

    Season with salt , pepper and a pinch of cayenne .

  6. 当他讲话时,他只流露少许个人的真实想法。

    When he talks , he only gives glimpses of his real self

  7. 用少许胶水把它们贴上。

    Stick them on using a small amount of glue .

  8. 她只在杜松子酒里加了少许苦艾酒。

    She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin

  9. 在两个盘子里倒少许沙司酱,然后把肉摆放整齐。

    Pour a pool of sauce on two plates and arrange the meat neatly

  10. 将盐溶解在少许开水中。

    Dissolve the salt in a little boiled water .

  11. 加入少许香脂醋。

    Add a dash of balsamic vinegar .

  12. 如果酱汁太甜的话,可以加少许红酒醋。

    If the sauce seems too sweet , add a dash of red wine vinegar .

  13. 在餐盘底部垫一层防油纸,再在里侧涂少许的油。

    Line the base of the dish with greaseproof paper and lightly grease the sides .

  14. 在鱼上撒上少许面粉。

    Lightly dust the fish with flour

  15. 巴尔迪只加了少许咖啡给牛奶调色,还剩下很多。

    Bardi coloured the milk with the slightest touch of coffee , of which there was still plenty

  16. 给他一杯水,加少许威士忌。

    Give him a glass of water with a dash of whisky in it .

  17. 将少许牛奶和两大汤匙糖浆混合。

    Blend a little milk with two tablespoons of treacle .

  18. 这是他从这场磨难里能找到的唯一的少许安慰。

    It was the only crumb of comfort he could salvage from the ordeal .

  19. 但是,等到孵出小鸟以后,它就到少许低一点儿的地方筑巢。

    But when the young birds are hatched , it will move to a place a little lower to build its nest .

  20. 这款大名鼎鼎的香水新加入了少许鸢尾,给这款淡木质香调加入了粉质香调。

    The most famous scent has been updated with a dash of iris , which adds a powdery quality to the light woody notes .

  21. 以少许油起镬,中火爆香材料(B);

    Use some oil to saut ? ingredients ( B ) over medium heat until fragrant .

  22. A和B的光补偿点仅有少许增大,而C的明显增大。

    The light compensation points of A and B increased a little , while the light compensation point of C increased obviously .

  23. 它只比cfd少许慢一点,但更易于监控。

    It 's a little slower than cfd , but easier to monitor .

  24. EclipseV3.1中添加了少许GUI窗口小部件类型和特性。

    Eclipse V3.1 adds a few GUI widget types and features .

  25. 使用上述的DNS服务名称会有少许副作用。

    Using DNS Service Names as described above can have a slight side effect .

  26. Python提供了少许内置模板系统,它们在简单情况下工作得很好。

    Python comes with a few built-in templating systems , which work well in simple cases .

  27. 有少许最近出版的Python书籍我还没有机会看。

    I have not had the chance to look at a few currently in print Python books .

  28. ASD封堵成功率92.6%(125/135),封堵器释放后,8例可见少许残余分流;

    The successful rate of occlusion was 92.6 % ( 125 / 135 ) .

  29. 乍看起来,XSLT可能没什么用,但是只需少许Java编程就可以使它发挥作用。

    At first sight it would appear that XSLT cannot help , but a small dose of Java programming can make it work .

  30. 此文件与初始CSS文件中的匹配条目之间只有少许差异。

    There are only a few differences between this file and the matching entries in the original CSS file .