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  1. 在书法艺术中,曲不离直,直不离曲是运笔作书的重要原则。

    The straight goes along with the curved is a major principle .

  2. 基于三维力信息的笔交互毛笔书法效果表达在书法艺术中,曲不离直,直不离曲是运笔作书的重要原则。

    Handwriting Representation of Chinese Brush Calligraphy Based on Three-Dimension Force Information The straight goes along with the curved is a major principle .

  3. 花饰,旋曲一种精致的弯曲或卷曲,如用钢笔写成的花饰在书法艺术中,曲不离直,直不离曲是运笔作书的重要原则。

    A fancy twist or curl , such as a flourish made with a pen . The straight goes along with the curved is a major principle .

  4. 《喧哗与骚动》是美国杰出的现代主义作家福克纳的代表作,书中象征手法的使用绝妙无比,令人称奇。

    The Sound and the Fury , the masterpiece of the eminent modernist writer William Faulkner , is noted for its superb use of symbols .

  5. 《德意志意识形态》是唯物史观的序幕之作,书中青年马克思着力探讨了异化现象的起因&市场分工和交换的自发性,并提出了从自发到自愿的愿景。

    《 German Ideology 》 historical materialism as a prelude to the book the young Marx , Alienation efforts to explore the causes of-the spontaneity of market division of labor and exchange , and from the " spontaneous " to " voluntary " vision .

  6. 3G公司最高管理层很推崇一部名为《利润倍增》的大作,该书中有一章名为当供应商说不,再三敲打他们。

    As it says in a chapter heading of a book called Double Your Profits , a tome favored by the top executives at 3G , When suppliers say no , hit them again and again .

  7. 用布面纸板作封面的书.无支撑平封头和盖板

    A book bound in cloth boards unstayed flat heads and covers

  8. 用纸板、布或皮革作封面的书。

    A book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers .

  9. 上书皮:把书皮粘贴于书和纸上。平装:用纸或非纸板物料作书皮的书。

    Soft cover : A paper , or other non-board cover on a book .

  10. 我们一起在作关于那书的工作。

    We 're working on the book together .

  11. 他为管理(人员)作的报告书对决定整个政策很重要。

    The statements that he prepares for the management are important in determining overall policies .

  12. 书评用书:送给报纸或杂志作评论的书。

    Review copy : A copy of a book sent to a newspaper or magazine for reviewing .

  13. 提阿非罗阿,我已经作了前书,论到耶稣开头一切所行所教训的

    The former treatise have I made , O Theophilus , of all that Jesus began both to do and teach

  14. 《西游记》作为一本游戏之作,对书中几乎每一个人物都采取了戏谑的态度。

    Monkey King , as a book of game , presents a sort of cynic attitude to every people 's description within it .

  15. 《农书》是我国古代附有图谱之作的农书中最有影响的科学文献之一。

    The Book on Farming by Wang Zhen is one of the most valuable ancient scientific literatures with a collection of illustrative plants atlas .

  16. 第二十九条在仲裁庭以合议方式进行审理的时候,裁决由多数决定,少数意见可以作成意见书附卷。

    The award of an Arbitration Tribunal sitting in a body is decided by majority vote and the minority opinion may be made in writing and docketed into the file .

  17. 一本新书正在审视美国前任总统的艺术草图,其内容从胡佛总统的几何设计到肯尼迪总统的帆船,这本名为“总统涂鸦之作”的书是两个世纪以来椭圆办公室里艺术作品的编年史。

    And a new book is taking a look at sketches from former commanders-in-chief , from the geometric designs of Herbert Hoover to the sailboats of jfk . " presidential doodles " chronicles two centuries of Oval Office artistry .

  18. 除这部漫画外,泰坦也是《福尔摩斯再历险》系列和《克苏鲁案卷》的出版商。前者讲述了大侦探福尔摩斯破解外星人袭击和吸血鬼之谜的故事,后者是詹姆斯·洛夫格罗夫的一部即将发行的作品,书中展现了超自然力量。

    Titan is also the publisher of the Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series , in which the detective variously deals with alien attacks and vampires , as well as James Lovegrove 's forthcoming Cthulhu Casebooks series , in which he takes on occult forces .

  19. 要求复核行政法庭所作判决的申请书审查委员会

    Committee on Applications for the Review of Administrative Tribunal Judgements

  20. 她选作她报告的书是书单上最长的一本。

    The book which was selected for her report was the longest on the list .

  21. 本教材是为已具备中级英文程度的读者所作的一本书。希望他们能清楚明白圣经。

    It is specially designed for people with intermediate English proficiency so as to help them to understand the bible better .

  22. 《生活的艺术》是林语堂对外讲中的经典之作,虽然该书直接用英语写成,但牵涉了大量的汉译英活动,旨在介绍中国人的生活哲学。

    Though written in English , it involves inevitably a lot of Chinese-English translation which aims at elaborating on life philosophy of Chinese people .

  23. 而在一本可能是有史以来,探讨马奇亚维利最重要的大作中,该书作者宣称,马奇亚维利是邪恶教师。

    And in perhaps the most important book on Machiavelli ever written , the author of that book declared Machiavelli to be a teacher of evil .

  24. 这本书拙劣地仿述先知在庞贝的生活,被绝大多数穆斯林视为渎神之作。这本书引发的狂澜如此之剧烈,以至于大家几乎都遗忘了其他议题。

    The book was called The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie , and it was a parody of the Prophet 's life set in Bombay . Muslims widely considered it blasphemous and it provoked so much outrage that it seemed people were talking of little else .