
  • 网络work and rest system;work and rest regime;Daily regime
  1. 本章对电厂工作人员作息制度进行了介绍。

    Power plant staff work and rest system was introduced in the chapter .

  2. 研究生的作息制度不利于身体健康和高效率的学习工作;

    The system is not conducive to rest postgraduate health and efficient learning ;

  3. 不同海拔地区小学生作息制度比较研究

    A Comparative of Timetable System of Pupils in These Areas of Different Altitude

  4. 结论应根据高原环境特点,合理安排作息制度。

    Conclusions Daily regimen of school children in the plateau should be arranged according to the characteristics of plateau environments .

  5. 学生应严格遵守作息制度,自觉按时熄灯就寝。

    Students should abide by the rules for study and rest in the dormitory and should respect the regulated dormitory sleeping hours .

  6. 本文基于将成都市中心城区作息制度作为研究对象,对作息时间的社会问题进行社会单位家庭个人属性的系统分析;

    Basing on the work and rest in center of Chengdu , This paper have socio-unit-family-personal attributes analysis for the work and rest of social issues .

  7. 在实际行动中,针对家长需求给予一定的调整,如作息时间、收费制度、课程设置、家园合作等方面进行调整。

    In practice , according to parents ' conditions , kindergarten should do some flexible adjustments on schedule , fee structure , curriculum , home cooperation and so on .