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zuō fang
  • workshop;shop
作坊 [zuō fang]
  • [workshop] 手工业工场

作坊[zuō fang]
  1. 他们买了一处老校舍当住房,然后在地下室里建了一个作坊。

    They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the basement

  2. 小作坊着力开拓市场,向大公司叫板。

    The small workshop challenges big companies in marketing .

  3. 珠宝商在他的店铺后面有一间作坊。

    The jeweller has a workroom at the back of his shop .

  4. 斯坦尼什是安第斯文明考古领域的权威人士,他花了九年时间在ebay上追踪文物买卖,他也寻求美国缉私机关的帮助,探访那些伪造文物的作坊。

    Stanish is an authority on Andean archaeology . he 's been tracking antiquities on eBay for nine years .

  5. 我去了一家作坊,渐渐地学会了用粘土做东西。

    I went to a workshop and gradually got good at making things with clay .

  6. 我在父亲的作坊里找到了一些小木片,然后在房子周围随便找了点东西就做了一辆车。

    I found small pieces of wood in my father 's workshop and made my car from anything that was lying around the house .

  7. 即使在资源有限的作坊式公司,交付准备服务器(stagingserver)也是持续交付的必要组成部分。

    Even in a limited resource shop a staging server is essential for continuous delivery .

  8. 这个小作坊吸引了两位投资者,包括现年52岁的瓶装水企业家杰夫&12539;丘吉(JeffChurch)。

    The small operation attracted two investors , including Jeff Church , 52 , a bottled-water entrepreneur .

  9. 一起家庭作坊急性DMF中毒事故的调查分析

    Investigation of acute dimethylformamide poisoning occurred in a family workshop

  10. 今天,我们带着这些问题去拜访一位肥皂专家&她的作坊就在弗吉尼亚的FallsChurch,靠近华盛顿。

    Today we answer that question with a visit to a soap maker at her home in Falls Church , Virginia near Washington .

  11. 作为传统PC软件开发的一个分支,嵌入式软件经历了从简单应用到复杂集成,从手工作坊到工程项目开发的发展过程。

    As a branch of traditional PC software , the embedded software has developed from simple to complex , from the integration of manual workshop to project development process .

  12. 那些研究油价大幅下挫对企业影响的分析人士们,应该关注一下那些低产油井(stripperwell)运营商们了,他们一般都是小作坊式经营,做的就是从很久以前钻探的油井中采出最后一批原油。

    Analysts examining the effect of the oil price 's precipitous decline on companies should spare a thought for stripper well operators , the mom-and-pop businesses that coax the last trickles of crude from long-ago drilled holes .

  13. 然而,新闻报道中经常提到的出口至中国内地和香港的波尔多(Bordeaux)葡萄酒中,有四分之一来自几乎不可能被视为小作坊的大型葡萄庄园。

    Yet the one-quarter of exported Bordeaux that headlines its wine sales to China and Hong Kong comes from big-production vineyards that can hardly be deemed artisanal .

  14. 另一家先锋店是“时尚侦察兵”(L’Eclaireur),这是该品牌在巴黎的第七家分店,那里曾是一家吊灯修理作坊。

    Another pioneer is L'Eclaireur , which opened its seventh Paris outlet in a former chandelier repair atelier here .

  15. 该研究共同撰写人,伦敦大学考古专家MarcosMartinón-Torres提到,在古代中国,这种小作坊的组织结构与皇帝在其他社会领域中推行的很相似。

    The organization into small workshops wassimilar to the structure the emperor imposed on the rest of society in ancient China , said study co-author Marcos Martin ó n-Torres , an archaeologist at the UniversityCollege London .

  16. 然而传统的手工作坊式的软件开发状况并不能满足这一需求,因此在软件复用以及快速集成应用系统的探讨过程中,软件构件技术和面向服务的体系架构(SOA)成为了热点话题。

    However , the traditional " hand-workshop " style of software development situation cannot meet this demand , and therefore in the discussion of the software reuse and rapid integration of application systems , the software component technology and service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) has become the hot spot topic .

  17. 北京的京A啤酒酿造作坊的老板来自美国康涅狄格州和加拿大多伦多,他们将美国风味与本地特色结合起来,供应工人淡色啤酒、空气大爆表双IPA和京城特白小麦啤酒。

    At the Jing-A Brewing Taproom in Beijing , the owners , transplants from Connecticut and Toronto , serve American-inspired beers with local flair , including Worker 's Pale Ale , Airpocalypse Double IPA and Mandarin Wheat .

  18. 我国石棉资源丰富、品种齐全,但个体作坊或不规范的生产车间石棉粉尘含量常超过国标(2mg/m~3),因此石棉仍然威胁我国接触工人健康的一种潜在性致癌因素。

    In China , asbestos resource is rich and all kind of asbestos can be seen , however asbestos fibers exceed over Chinese National Standard ( 2mg / m3 ) commonly in the private enterprises and abnormity workshops .

  19. 这个名叫詹姆斯·韦伯(JWST)的空间望远镜直到今天还在作坊里待着,而且其发射时间被再三推迟(最新的官方说法是2018年)。

    The James Webb space telescope ( JWST ), as the new machine is called , is still in the workshop , and its launch date has been set back repeatedly ( 2018 is the latest official estimate ) .

  20. 家庭锡箔加工作坊对儿童健康的影响

    Children 's health problem resulted from foil process in family workshop

  21. 店铺、工作室和学校:文艺复兴时期的意大利艺术作坊

    Store , Studio and School : Italian Art Workshop During Renaissance

  22. 关于食品小作坊监管工作的思考

    Thought about Supervision to Food Workshops in Our Country Little Telescope

  23. 这是典型的中国南方米粉作坊。

    This is a typical rice noodle workshop in South China .

  24. 制弓作坊允许训练基本的远程部队。

    Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units .

  25. 盗版产业在中国,正成为家庭作坊。

    Such fakes have become a cottage industry in China .

  26. 我希望继续此英文写作坊。

    I would like to continue with this writing workshop .

  27. 咖啡种植园或大规模家庭作坊不可能获得认证。

    Coffee plantations or large family firms cannot be certified .

  28. 匠客即在楚国手工业作坊作工的外国工匠;

    Alien artisans were craftsmen working in the handicraft workshops of Chu ;

  29. 是一个小作坊生产的,在新泽西州收费公路上

    It 's from a smell factory on the New Jersey Turnpike .

  30. 小作坊食品质量安全控制技术规范研究

    Study on Technical Specifications for Food Quality & Safety Control of Workshop