
  1. 这块场地已被选作新学校的校址。

    This site has been chosen for the new school .

  2. 大豆光温互作新模型的验证和FT家族基因的克隆

    Testify a New Soybean Model of Photo-Thermal Interaction and Clone FT Family Genes

  3. 随着国际投资趋势的变化,为适应加入WTO的要求,我国利用外商直接投资政策有必要作新的调整。

    With the development of the trend of international investment and the approaching of our entering into the WTO , it is necessary to adjust China ′ s policies on FDI .

  4. 虽然这款设备仅被简单地唤作新一代iPad,但却具备了大量的升级特性,苹果认为,借助这款新品,它依然可以远远甩开其他竞争对手。

    Dubbed simply the new iPad , the device offers a number of upgrades the company thinks will keep it far ahead of the competition .

  5. 证明用LPF-ELISA和FHA-ELISA作新菌苗批量生产工序中的质量控制,是一种行之有效的方法。

    We concluded that it was practicable to use LPF-ELISA and FHA-ELISA ' aa a criterion for the quality control in the manufacture of vaccine .

  6. 这件事已没关系,我已作新的联盟。

    The issue is irrelevant . I 've made new associations .

  7. 利用奇异酉几何构作新的带仲裁的认证码

    New Construction of Authentication Codes with Arbitration from Singular Unitary Geometry

  8. 巧借古韵作新题&新闻标题中古诗词、成语和典故的运用手法

    Making News Headlines by Using Chinese Classic Poems , Proses and Allusions

  9. 曼彻斯特不敌利物浦,没有被选作新的地点。

    Manchester was rejected in favour of Liverpool as the new site .

  10. 你支持谁作新的祭司?

    Whom do you favor as the new pontifex ?

  11. 应该掌握自己的命运,作新的莎拉

    It 's time to take control of my life . New Sarah .

  12. 政府公布了它对资本转移税所作新让步的细节。

    The Government released details of its new concession on Capital Transfer Tax .

  13. 范仲淹的赋论与赋作新探

    On Fan Zhong-yan 's Fu Theory and Fu Writings

  14. 利用有限域上的向量空间构作新的带仲裁的认证码

    A New Construction of Authentication Codes with Arbitration from Vector Spaces over Finite Fields

  15. 几年之后,殖民地澳大利亚被启用作新的流放地,紧张局面得到缓解。

    A few years later , a new penal colony in Australia eased the strain ;

  16. 我们城市被选作新大学的校址,这是多么好的一件事啊!

    What a fine thing it is that our city has been chosen as the site for a new university .

  17. 我觉得他是一个非常乏味守旧的艺术家&他从不打算作新的尝试。

    As an artist I found him very dull and conventional - he 's not prepared to try anything new .

  18. 进而对某些重要结论或数据作新的修证、对某些观点进行新的辩论。

    And then some important conclusions or data could be revised , and a new debating appeared to some options .

  19. 然后,指出在满足一定的条件下基于这些性质可以由已知的状态变权向量构作新的状态变权向量。

    A new kind of state variable weight vectors can be constructed by means of the properties under some conditions .

  20. 钼兰法分光光度测定砷磷硅&用赤霉素作新有机还原剂

    The spectrophotometric determination of arsenic phosphorus and silicon by molybdenum blue reaction using gibberellin as a new organic reducing agent

  21. 主要探讨了杨-粮间作新栽培模式对小麦产量和质量的影响。

    This paper deals with the impacts of new cultivation patterns of incorporating poplar with wheat on its yield and quality .

  22. 本文试图通过对恩格斯的解释路线进行的深入反省,从而对马克思哲学的本质作新的说明。

    This paper expounds this interpretation of Engels in order to have a new interpretation of the nature of Marxist philosophy .

  23. 应用超正压射孔酸压联作新工艺技术,在中原油田文279井进行了现场试验。

    A field test is performed in Well Wen 279 by using a new joint-operational technique of super-overbalance perforating and acid fracturing .

  24. 本文专就三音节词的色彩问题,从显性色彩和隐性色彩角度作新的探索。

    This paper discusses especially the colour problem for 3 syllables words , from the angle of both colours of dominace and recessiveness .

  25. 人类认识自然生态环境价值已历经三个历史阶段,对生产力概念作新的诠释。

    Humanity has experienced three historical stages in recognizing the value of ecological environment , we should give new explanation for the conception of productivity .

  26. 珍惜机遇,苦练内功,强化管理,创造一流为粉末冶金事业发展作新贡献

    Treasuring the Opportunity , Exercising the Internal Works , Strengthening the Administration , Creating the First - grade , Doing New Contributions for Powder Metallurgy Undertaking

  27. 是的,十一月份我们将在伦敦录些材料作新的纪念册,并在十二月份发行。

    Darrell : Yes , in November we 're recording material for a new album in a London stadio . We 're releasing the album in December .

  28. 2010年规范系统运作能力,全面整合系统资源,在组织上作新的变革,实现资源利用最大化。

    The company will regulate its system operate ability in2010 , integrating system resources completely , making a new change on the organization , to realize resource utilization to maximize .

  29. 为此,德育教育的目标需要作新的延伸,德育教育的内容需要有新的拓展,德育教育的途径需要进一步拓宽,以使德育工作更加落到实处。

    Therefore , its purpose needs new extension , its content needs new development and its way also needs further broadening so that the moral education work will be carried out effectively .

  30. 边缘情境是存在主义的重要概念,文章以此作为切入口,从人学与人文的角度,对西方文学经典作新的阐释。

    The marginal contextualization is an important concept in existentialism , from which this paper offers a new explanation of the classical Western literary works from the angle of the study of human beings and related cultures .